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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. jeans!?? wow...i thought it was lycra...
  2. haha i always thought you were like 15. anwyay happy brithday oh and all the pubs round ere take last orders at 11:30 so you might be out of luck, unless you mean you are going later as in tomrrow.... think i ebtter get osme sleep.
  3. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9...uration%3Ashort i got a hardon.
  4. Same ere, when i first started (sept 2003) there were 5 of us and later my little bro joined in, but only me and my mate carl ever got into it properly. They all dropped out pretty quick and i just couldn't understand why. We carried on up until last November, when carl hurt his wrist again, and i was never motivated to go out on my own, because there was just no fun in it. We got to about average level riding, barheight ups and small rail gaps, and i just lost interest completely. Riding felt like a chore rather than a laugh and one shit ride finished it off for me. I left school back in july and am now working 5 days a week part time so i have more time than ever to ride, but when i last went out on my bike, i just felt stupid. Like i shouldn't be doing it. Anyway, i just bought a bmx this week, and had a quick blast on it yesterday, and wow, it was so sweet. It was like being a kid again and just going out and messing about. Learning something new. I'm hoping i'll have the motivation to go out more on my own because all my mates have gone to uni and my only other riding mate still has a sore wrist and seems to prefer drumming to riding anyway. But yeh, i guess my point is try something new, maybe you'll leave school and get back into trials like a lot of other people seem to do. Oh, and as for the driving, (i take it you aren't already driving as you said you're 16)...don't act like it will become your new hobby as chances are you'll pass, and the novelty will instantly wear off. I thought as soon as i pass driving would become a massive part of my life (i love cars to bits) but instead it was the opposite, i still love driving but for me its just a tool, not a hobby (i'm sure that'll change as soon as a get a decent car)... Anyway, just do what you feel is right for you, you an always come back, and remember nothing last forever.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voCeLvSnd8U some good riding.
  6. found this on bmx forum and thought some peeps on here might not have seen it. kinda interesting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avSNC34MRDY just click it. EDIT: oops, it appears to just be the 2nd part of THIS ONE which was posted a while ago. nvm.
  7. RicH_87

    New Site

    mines fine in FF, i don't have to scroll down at all, and i don't have a horizontal scroll bar. why is everyone suddenly running low res?
  8. aren't parcels measured by size now, not weight?
  9. alansbmx seems to use parceforce too, and i'm guessing they send a fair few bikes...
  10. RicH_87


    or for some real comedy switch over to itv2. Harry Hill for the win.
  11. i thought royal mail delivered the items anyway, but just charged the person who is recieving it? or is that only if you don't put a return address on it?
  12. looks good mate, just wodnering, did you make brushes to do the fvlowery bits around her and the background? I'm not too bad at photoshop but can't figure out how peeps get that sort of flowery effect. *goes to put catherine bell into google images*
  13. last millenium called, they want their valentines animation back. i'm sure it was longer before as-well.
  14. RicH_87

    Picture War

    goes to jail for paedophilia
  15. yeh i can't believe how i made such a shitty rider look so amazing please get back to me f-stop, i waited for this comp for ages...
  16. why's mine not in? i was like first to enter or have i missed something?
  17. RicH_87

    My Pashley

    best.dog.evah. and so white too, could of easily called him Daz. not quite as cool though, wouldn't want the other doggies taking the miccy.
  18. RicH_87

    The Darkness

    wow...i was under the impression they split up. *re-adds to the list of 'stuff that makes the world suck list'*
  19. yeh, been down that route further up the page^
  20. meh, i was wrong, http://www.bbc.co.uk/topgear/powerlaps/ there is something wrong with it though, i remember watching it on top gear. rs500 for the win.
  21. its essencially just an enzo. not quite as quick though.
  22. are you trying to format the drive simply by going onto it in 'my computer' and clicking format? if so, that won't work, you can't format a drive that windows is running off for obvious reasons.
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