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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. RicH_87

    The Falling Man

    The point is that the whole thing was made up by the us government. If they are going to fly planes into stuff and kill people anyway, a few firemen and people on the ground are pretty insignificant. There is loads of 'infomation' on the internet arguing for and against 9/11 being real terrorism, or just a kick start for Bush's fake 'war on terror'. There is evidence that proves the planes flying into the twin towers weren't the same planes that left the airport that morning. That they were switched with air force planes that were deisigned to fire missiles at the twin towers to maximise damage. Also the original hole in the pentagon was just a thin slit, top to bottom, something a missile fired from a jet would make. Later on the rest of the pentagon 'collapsed' and just happened to form the outline of a passenger plane. Annnnd, the 4th and final plane that was highjacked and 'apparently' crashed before reaching its target...well, if you look at the pictures on the crash site there is just a chared crater. No debris, no luggage, no dead bodys, nothing you'd expect to see at a plane crash. Oh and another thing was that bush said he watched the first impact on TV, before he went into the classroom. However the only footage of the first plane hitting the first building was taken by those french documentary makers on there own personal camera. And there was no way they could of got it to news broadcasters in time for bush to watch it on national tv. Therefore many believe they had special forces in the area with there own cameras, which broadcast the first hit privately to Bush in his limo, before he went into the school. Becasue after all, he'd want to see his master plan going into action....wouldn't he? Anyway i went on too long, just look it up if you are interested. one thing i know for sure is that we'll never know the real truth.
  2. i was about to post about how appaulingly bad your photoshopping skills were, then i realised you had boards on the wheels. :$ did that not toally hurt? or do wheelchairs have some kinda of hitten shock absorbers...
  3. RicH_87

    The Falling Man

    You're gonne die either way though, i'd rather go out with a bang than choke to death on smoke. Although i know where you are coming from, falling for that long must be like, "....shit....is this gonna hurt?.....lalalalala........." I dunno if i'd have the guts to jump, but when you are cornered people do crazy things, plus i guess there is always a faint hope you'll land somewhere soft. There are loads of stories about people jumping out of planes and surviving, and that guy who fell off a cliff onto jagged rocks and only got a broken arm. If i'd exahusted all possibilities of getting down alive i'd probable consider it. Maybe convince someone to go with me.
  4. RicH_87

    The Falling Man

    watched almost all of the 9/11 shows but only saw the last 15 minutes of this one (had a friend over). i've also read up on all the 9/11 conspiracy theorys etc, and i've had that photo on my pc for ages along with a few others. the first show i saw kinda freaked me out, i had some kinda morbid facination where i just needed to see that sorta thing. got over it now though so i just watch and think, meh, whatever. my mum bought a 9/11 book ages ago and it had high res version of almost all the falling people pictures in it. alot of them looked dead already, and some even looked tied up, but hey, thats getting into the conspiracy theorys so i'll leave it there.
  5. i've seriously never seen so many ugly people in one place.
  6. i saw these on ebay the otherday for £660 and thought it was a bit impressive. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-2006-Monty-221-P...1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. just tryin it out... [attachmentid=2820]
  8. I've had all the tyres imaginable and in the end i always went back to the luna. Sure it doesn't grip quite as well as the CC's but its perfectly good for all street riding ever, it NEVER pinches, if you've pinched on a luna you are either Rik Waller or a very harsh rider. And it takes ages to even loose the little bumpy bits on the tread, nevermind the tread itself. As soon as i put my Creepy's on for the first time i knew they were shit. I still can't understand why everyone bums them. They are too soft, too sticky and too pinchable. Be a real man and get a luna on there, the old school riders never had any problems with grip.
  9. yeh mine came today too, some really over-freindly courier dropped them off.... i still kinda wish i had the Vandevers but these are very nice shoes non the less and for £30 i can't complain. Might get me a set of Vandevers anyway from somewhere else.
  10. RicH_87

    New Server

    seems so faaaaaast now, or maybe it's just the placebo effect.
  11. http://www.midwestbmx.net/shookfooty.wmv http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1...829842196&q=bmx couple of decent vids there i recon, real reason for posting is to ask what you peeps would say are the best 3-5 bmx dvds and where might i be able to purchase them please.
  12. LOL, rockin' the lycra in a blizzard! seriously hardcore.
  13. i usually eat with my mum and dad becasue they are good at cooking so i'll get whnat i can whislt i'm still living at home , my sister is kinda fussy (even though shes like 23) so she gets her own and my brother just grabs anything he can and eats it in his room. Some nights they eat out or have already eaten by the time i get home so i on those4 occasions i'll just grab something quick and eat it in my room, but i prefer to eat at the table. I feel worse if i eat on a soft chair all slumped over or at the pc. Plus i don't see my mum and dad that much in regular life simply because...so its nice to have that whilst i can. I know i'll miss it when i move out.
  14. LMAO! starship troopers 2 doesn't deserve to compeletly ruin the startship trooper name. 1 was class, 2 looked like it had been filmed on a handy cam in a school drama lesson. I caught the end of a really cheesy film the other day. My digi info said it was about some guy who met a girl on the train but didn't get her number, so the whole film seemed to be about him trying to find her again. Anyway the ending was cheesy as hell and seemed to have all the members of n-sync in it. And i agree on war of the worlds, the first half was ace, the ending was just utter shit though. And the hour or so spent hiding in a basement was a complete waste of life. Talk about milking it.
  15. RicH_87


    lol quoting myself..... anyway, i got a quick go on my mates element yesterday. It seems pretty solid, and very very smooth, not nearly as nimble as my four seasons though and seemed slightly shorter/lower. The parts are all pretty much the same quality though, which considering it was a lot cheaper is pretty awesome. It Came with a chrome rim and casette hub etc. however, it also made me realise how nice my 4 seasons actually is. It is so flickable for a bmx it's untrue. I don't know how the ace of spades would compaire, i guess it would be close but i'm pretty sure i'd pick the WTP every time.
  16. RicH_87


    yo, i've got the 4 seasons so i guess i'm slightly bias but imo its awesome. Seems very well put together, the parts are all great from what i can tell, and i haven't had any issues with it yet. Rides really nicely too and its quite light. I haven't riden the ace of spade obviously, but 'm off out now to meet up with a mate who just bought an element, so i'll blag a go and let you know what it's like later.
  17. vandervers are apparently out of stock of the good sizes now... guess i'll get me a pair of corey martinez disciples instead.
  18. nice one geeza, just cost me £35 which i don't have , oh well. I got the same in size 9 although i think i'm a 10, all my other shoes are a 9 though. Any idea on how orchids compair with etnies, dc and adidas size wize?
  19. good work but yeh, should of used a real skyline:
  20. i bet 2 thirds of the people on this forum can't get that high either, but on the net you can say what you want and not have to prove it. where's the praise for the lad? all anyone seems to care about on here is their personal rep and how good they look compaired to others.
  21. lol, my mate sent me that link earlier saying "some dude does a frontflip off the floor", i was like... WTF! anyway, it was even more amazing than i could ever have imagined,..180 too.
  22. Well the battery looks alright, although the bars look a bit suspect. But maybe its just a bad picture. Neither of the frame are full Cro-mo witch is was your after really imo. The specs are half decent, shouldn't fall apart at the seems but nothing special. However, going on the price, i would probably just spent the extra £30 or so and get the element. As for the Metelhead, same view as the battery really, not a full cro-mo frame witch for me is a big point. The spec is average, but becasue of the massive price saving it's more appealing than the Battery. I wouldn't expect it too last too long thought with regular harsh use (if you are a complete noob like me you really give the bike a bettering). Both are pretty average, but if i was to choose one i would get the metalhead simply becasue of the massive price reduction. Then spend the money i saved on new bits. However like i said, i would prefer to just spend a bit more and get the element. I'm the sort of person that has learnt to buy as good as you can from the start, with trials i bought cheap and spent alot replacing stuff, so with bmx i decided to spend a lot and hopefulyl not spend anything for a long time.
  23. you can't link to winstanleys cos they are a bunch of gays. what are the two bikes called?
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