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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. spider silk is stronger than steel. oh and faq stands for 'frequently asked questions' not 'facts'.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGXst2SNx0s&search=Tom%20blythe ://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGXs...h=Tom%20blythe about as close as i'm gonna get, unless someone wants to sell me their old, un loved copy?
  3. i remember your old python, it was the best one i've ever seen.
  4. you need some metalic blue dustcaps like mine. that horn is god, in horn form.
  5. anyone wanna recommend a good set of tyres? mine came standard with some skinny ass one on the rear and i'm scared of getting a puncture, (my mate already pinched it on a step). my front one is dece i guess but kinda...meh.
  6. i hate queers who make it there life mission to make sure everyone within 3 miles knows they are gay. the ones that are melodramatically camp and say things like "ooo i'm such a bitch aren't i darling?" f**k OFF AND DIE OF AIDS ALREADY, NOONE CARES HOW LOOSE YOUR ANUS IS!
  7. resize pics before you upload them, other than that nice one, good effort.
  8. new? sentenced to life preview... http://www.bmxonline.com/bmx/video/image/0...95_78_1,00.html is this out yet? if so where can i get it? please. humph, i can't believe marks gone to bed, it's only half 2...
  9. it's an antelope, obviously... woops, forgot the target, (hit f5).
  10. yo, i accidently went to their directory: http://www.mutinybikes.com/video/ might have some decent videos on that have been forgottern/not seen before. for example: http://www.mutinybikes.com/video/november.mov
  11. for some reason, i don't think the current highest bidder is 100% genuine....
  12. old so may have been posted but i can't be arsed checkin' http://www.mutinybikes.com/video/mutinydvd.mov
  13. Its the 'do gooders' that annoy me the most nowadays. They think they are helping the world by sticking their nose in everything, and everyone else's business. Infact if they kept their ignorant, uneducated selves out of the way the world would run a lot smoother. I know that's talking big on a small scale but it still holds true imo. I wouldn't dare tell a complete stranger what they can, and cannot do, especially not in an offensive way, thats just out of order big time. Plus, I didn't even think bluepeter was such a well liked show anymore, it is just full of crap nowadays, and the presenters get paid to go go-karting and shit like that. Anyway, i can imagine the bbc writing up a contract for the badges from now on and getting little 5 year old's who can barely write to sign it on tv, stating an oath not to sell or give away their o'so holy bluepeter badge.
  14. wallride pic is class, nice one.
  15. i always wear a helmet no matter what, i seem to fall worse on small things than when i'm really going fult tilt, plus i have no reason not to wear one, i ride for the riding, not for the image, if people wanna laugh at me, that's their problem. imo, the 'pros' and well respected riders should make an effort to promote helmets just becasue they can. Sure they might not be an essencial, but the benefits outweigh the street cred you apparently earn.
  16. yeh, i found the producer, the studio, the other artists that the producers help record, the website, just no trace of the band, it was an amature band i think, and their name being, 'camera' doesn't really make it the easiest word to search.
  17. looks like the old t-mags daddy, or maybe the t-mag after it's balls have dropped. heh, i quite like it to be honest, get some yellow forks on there, no point doing things by half ey?
  18. playhouse? if so yeh, thats and awesome spot... damn, looking at them pics makes me miss trialsc loads. deonn, you've got well immense so quick, very impressive. good stuff peeps.
  19. no one can deny his barspin skills are godlike, in some cases he doesn't even touch them and they are spinning... p.s i learnt 360 tyretaps yesterday, bmx owns me. oh, and as for the brakes thing, me and my mate were bombing down a massivley steep hill yesterday when he hit the brakes on a bend and flipped out over a fence, hahaha it was quality, i then proceeded to almost get run over by some stupid bint in a merc 4x4. Trying to turn whilst hopping a puddle don't work... Moral of the story, you are probably more likely to die by relying on brakes, than not. annnnd, if anyone knows the song/artist from the second video (the one that one aspire), lemme know, i've been looking for ages.
  20. lol, don't even try, we searched high and low for that song for like a year.... ...no really, we did.
  21. please don't put mustard yellow with gold.
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