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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. reminds me of a PX so much, looks like we are going back around.
  2. i think it's becasue girls give it away a lot easier than they used to. mostly related to binge drinking like somone above said. its a majority of girls that go out and binge drink nowadays (or so i read). Boys haven't changed, they will always wants it and take what they can get pretty much, and it's stereotypically up to the girls wether or not they have sex, nowadays they are a lot more like lads especially when they've been drinking and they have alot less hang ups about it. Girls used to be called sluts etc for getting laid, and in a lot of cases still are but it's generally more accepted as girls are acting more and more like lads. Infact a lot of seem a lot more 'laddish' than a lot of lads i know. A laid back attitude gets you laid pretty much.
  3. halo 1 on xbox, simply for the reason that out of all the games i've played, my best times were spent on that game, with up to 12 player link up till 11:30 at night it was like the next gen golden eye 4 player. it's probably not the 'best' game ever made, but if i had to re live any gaming experience, it would be one of the halo matches. Best game ever made?? would for me, probably be CS, for the simple reason that i first played it nearly 6 years ago, and it still installed on my computer today. Games come and go, and most have that 'wow this is awesome' factor for like 2 weeks, halo lasted me and my freinds nearly a year and a half without getting old, and CS is still going strong.
  4. *waits for obligatory 'bigman' pun*
  5. you know you're in greece when you get jailed for throwing garden chairs at other people.
  6. lol yeh the 3rd one looks well funny, nice moves though, my fave is the 2nd to last, even though it's not that impressive it looks ace. should crop it straight though.
  7. great video, some sweet gaps in there.
  8. RicH_87

    Pop Ups!

    he said he ran spybot already... go to start --> search --> for files and folders --> type in 'iexplore.exe' it should list all the ones on your pc delete the ones that look suspect and see if it makes any difference.
  9. HAHAHAHA! oh my god, your comments always crack me up. ------ as for my fixing retardedness, i guess the worst is when i tryed to lever my tyre back on and trapped my innertube against the rim making another puncture, after having just fixed one. i hate that. i also tryed to undo an ACS i had locktited on, and the allen key slipped outta the little hole resulting in me impaling my finger on one of the teeth, to the bone.
  10. RicH_87

    Day - Video

    lol that's the first thing i noticed, also when i watched the commonwealth games and someone had a the number 1337 i was like...heh... ...anyway... that video was sweet, bit jittery in places but overall considering they were all induvidual shots it was pretty amazing, i loved the morning when sun only shone through little parts on the clouds, and watching how the clouds rolled and moved across the sky was pretty immense. is it possible to get a 15 or so, hour long tape or whatever and film a whole day? that would be even more amazing. like when they film a flower growing over weeks and play it in fast forward... yeh, i rambled, nice work.
  11. yeh, you can buy dried dog down the local market in korea i think, *throwup* erm, i can't really think of anything horrid that i ate, once i came home and made a sandwhich without washing my hands and i swear it tasted like dogshit smells. but i don't remember getting dogshit on my hands. meh, i'm still alive.
  12. RicH_87

    1 4 Iolo

    it would make no sense if the guy was italian, as fiat is an italian car manufacturer.
  13. drink a glass of water from the wrong side. so instead of drinking from the side nearest you drink from the one furtherst away, you'll sort of have to bend over/upside down. it sounds tupid but it's worked for me a few times. i can't actually remember the last time i had them though, so maybe it's even a cure. haha.
  14. think you've got to extract them to C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes (replace 'C' with whatever your drive is)
  15. needs more crop and less contrast, its pretty good though.
  16. "Gay boyfriend, gay boyfriend I don't really care that you are queer Gay boyfriend, gay boyfriend I never feel lonely when you are near"
  17. thats one mighty pimp 'XWB' you bros got there, hahahaha.
  18. haha mark your job is exactly the same as mine, excepy i work 8-5 sunday, and 4 nights a week. I banned myself from saturdays becasue they are shite, plus its the only day i can ride really. i've been there so long that the new supervisor relies on me a lot of the time but he apparently slagged me off really bad last sunday so i've been ignoring him and just doign what i want. Its such a petty place to work though, all the management have petty digs at the sueprvisors, and the supervisors in turn have petty digs at us staff. Its so retarded. Most people there are cool though and its easy money (5.16 and hour for doing not a lot). Its cool on holidays when the uni guys come back and it's just like old times. (man i really need to get a proper job). so yeh, 14 year old dude, get out there and get a job at any old place, local chippy or something would be a good place to start. You'll be so glad you got a 'proper' job. And all you mates will be doing the same thing soon anyway. Your always gonna be treasted like shit at any place you work so you might as-well suck it up now and get used to it. Its gonna be a long time before your top dog and can shit on everyone else below you.
  19. naa it wasn't that clean at all, and it didn;t have the foam pads, and it had a slightly different seat. we got it free off our neighbour becasue me and my brother used to ride round with flat tyres so we could pull 'powerslides' and he saw us and though we looked poor, so he gave us a free bike. hahaha!. oh, and i sorta of have an oldscool megamo trials bike in ym garage, just the frame/forks and bar and stem are left though. it rode really really well if i remember correctly.
  20. Yo, i used to have a raleigh ultra burner like the one below, my mate borrowed it and kept it at his house, might have skipped it by now though.
  21. Found this on another forum and thought i'd share it. Danny Way Bomb Drops off Hardrock cafe guitar http://www.fatbmx.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1416 On April 6, internationally renowned pro skateboarder Danny Way smashed the “Bomb Drop” world record by freefalling 28 feet from the Fender Stratocaster guitar atop the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas onto a ramp below. The event, originally scheduled for April 5, was rescheduled due to inclement weather conditions. Thousands of spectators watched Way execute the drop off the guitar onto a ramp built by John Tyson and his team at VP Industries. “Despite the variables in the ramp design, once again, we managed to make this challenge happen,” said Danny Way. “This event demonstrates the continued progression of skateboarding.” Key Facts of the world record jump: -Freefall World Record – measured and confirmed by Guinness Book of World Records: 28’/8.53m -Height of drop-in spot on guitar: 78’/23.77m; -Height of the landing ramp 56’/17.1m. Width of landing ramp 24’/7.27m; Flat bottom 64’/19.4m; -Height of quarterpipe 27’/8.2m; Width of quarterpipe 48’/14.54m. -Previous record 12’ 3.6” held by Adil Dyani. from fatbmx! Build ramps not bombs!
  22. haha, looks like it's in a museum or something so maybe its a super famous classic race bike worth loads of moolah. Just think somewhere in the world some kid will be thrashing one of those back and forth to school or something, not knowing it's worth nearly 1 and a half grand. remember that when choppers came back the original ones in mint cond. were going for £1000. edit: just read the description and seems its a classic flatland bike, can't see why it's worth sooo much though.
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