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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. She must be angry becasue she looks like a man. can you say, incest?
  2. yeh i noticed this earlier, used my old bookmark and got an IE type error page. so i just changed the address and it came straight on.
  3. probably no use but i got some Grado Sr60's. They are awesome.
  4. yo, did you buy a media center pc or did you get a copy of MC and install it on your regular pc? If you got a copy, where from? how much? and can you just install it like regular windows?
  5. i dunno how you managed it but you made the best trials site ever, even better. its gonna sound like serious brown nosing but you guys deserve it, your site has always been the coolest around, and your videos have always been sweet, the perfect combination of great street riding and awesome editing. Its ace too see tunni riding with you guys still and that you're all back on trials bikes, although some of your bmx photos are sweet as ever. hope to see more videos from you lot, good stuff, seriously.
  6. RicH_87

    What Car

    yeh insurance is a killer, but it's deffinatly cheaper for girls. My sister was like 500 pounds cheaper on her first year than mine. My first year was £1400 alone on insurance and my car was £600, so that obviously a 2 grand total. On my second year now and I got it down to £500 by switching companies. However my MOT cost me like $400 on top of that so it was still quite a lot. I managed to pay it all off 2nd time round so i'm good for the year now, but my first year was payed by a monthly standing order of £135. Anyway, all of that is pretty irrevalent. My suggestion is too look at Astras, The lower spec ones obviously, I bet you could pick one up for around £1000 and the insurance is suprisingly cheap, on par with many of the popular small hatchbacks and cheaper than most too. And yeh, like everyone else has said, pick out a few cars of similar spec and get pratice quotes on them all before you go out shopping. It may be time consuming, but i had around 400 pounds difference between a 1.2 micra, and a 1.2 clio.
  7. RicH_87


    I found this video made by some trials rider showing how he's improved over the space of two years. Its nothing special but i thought it was cool enough to share, and maybe show those guys who think they are struggling that you'll get there eventually. http://broadbandsports.com/node/1097
  8. sorry miss jackson, i am for real.
  9. since when is riding bikes about being cool? have whatever colour you want, who really cares?
  10. i bet theres a ton of people with t-pro frames lying around their garage and they are just too lazy to get shot. Post a wanted thread and see if someone is feeling generous.
  11. vote me for prime minister and i'll ban religion.
  12. gonna get the pics up then or what?
  13. RicH_87


    I once dreamt i was stood on the edge of a tall building and i could see all the other buildings below, then i got shot in the back, at the top of my right shoulder blade, and it caned like hell. I woke up instantly and remember i was arching my back, like when you whip out, or when you get smacked in the back by a football on a cold day. I could feel the actual pain and everything for a good 5 seconds, i even checked if i was bleeding, and i remember thinking "i wonder if that what it really feels like to be shot", becasue it felt so real. I've had dreams since too, where i've been shot in the back and had a similar sensation but not woken up from it. I've always wondered if i was prehaps shot in a past life and i somehow re-live it in my dreams. (i don't even really belive in that sorta thing either). I've also had loads of dreams where i can control them, mostly when i've been woken up, and gone back to sleep. And i dreamt of me dreaming and having a dream whilst asleep in my dream. So i woke up in my dream and remembered the dream, then i had to wake up for real... I love dreams, its amazing how you can get so screwed up by them and how much detail you subconsiously pick up. The mind is crazy powerful.
  14. Damn straight, I always say how new cars look like trainers and are just completely shit as far as looks goes (The entire new citroen range for example), but everyone is like "huh, are you insane?". The ONLY new car I have liked in the last 4 years is the latest M6. Old cars are by far the best looking, I'd take an old m3, audi quattro or sierra, over any of the modern day counterparts. I think car companies should re-release old models with up to date reliability, that would be awesome. Sorta more on topic: a guy a few streets away from me has turned a sierra into an F40, but it looks really distorted and weird.
  15. ricky gervais is shit anyway, i've always thought so. Fair enough, Office was dece enough, but he only has one joke, him acting like a twat, and he does it all the time, everywhere, always......ever.... he needs to get a new act, or some decent jokes, or just go away and hide.
  16. that bike is scary. what's with the dolls head and stuff?
  17. RicH_87


    i seriosuly seem to have another life in my dreams, whenever i do dream they seem to follow on from each other, or something in one dream, will relate to another dream later on. My dream life is like the opposite of my real life and is pretty much everything i want to be. Somtimes i wake up and think i've gotta go do something, but i only had to do it my dream etc, and i can wake up really happy, or really depressed afterwards, and it usually takes me like 2 hours to get back to reality.
  18. i love how all his photos are taken by himself, in his house, probably becasue his 'efriends' can't get him in focus from across the other side of the world.
  19. this isn't heat magazine guys, men aren't supposed to care about how fat or skinny they are, you people are so homo. anyway, i like the white frame with blue forks.
  20. RicH_87

    f**k Bmx!

    HAHAHA, i couldn't stop laughing he looks like a retard. no doubt the tricks were good but he just looked stupid, the barspins looked like he was having a nervous tic. tranfers were about the only 'cool' bit. If i was him i'd get a bike and make the most of that half decent park, i'd kill for a park like that round here.
  21. don't have anyone like that really, but probably through choice. i rely on myself only, i've found that I can't trust people nearly as much as i can trust myself. some people would call me antisocial or something, but meh, whatever.
  22. everyone else on the road is a retard. remember that. i'm being serious, you gotta act like everyone else can't tell their arse from their face. that includes me.
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