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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. piccy my first ever hop wall ride, need to get that rear wheel up but i'll work on it some other time, just chuffed to be on the wall really.
  2. sweet video an all, i would agree the video itself is some kind of art, but when i'm riding full pelt at a bank or a wall i don't feel like an artist. I just feel like some guy on a bike just having fun. Vandalism is a different story. I personally think vandalism is the intention to damage something rather than the actual act of damaging it. When i smash a wall a feel really guilty, a real vanadal probably wouldn't.
  3. which site is the joke? i still don't get it. judging by the first site on google this is just another big load of bullshit religion. please, somone ban religion.
  4. eh i'm lost, google bomb? scientology? eric?
  5. use loads of conditioner, makes it soft so it flops down more rather than being all springy.....
  6. RicH_87


    also, i've always said i'd rather die than be paralyzed from the neck down, but if it came to me actually choosing, it would be a tough decision. annnd as some song once said, i'd much rather burn out than fade away. I would love to go out in a mass of burning metal and people screaming and be rememberd like that, than some stinky old man found bloated 3 weeks later in his granny flat. And i agree about the dying before your old thing, unless i was of good health and had an amazing family to enjoy, i would much rather live a short and great life, than a long and boring one. but only the good die young, so i'm gonna be here for a long time.
  7. haha so true, especially the wake up with a boner situation... ahh well, i'd rather that than miss him all together, ie. today
  8. 1:12 in the background....
  9. remember that huge cargo ship that sank with loads of cars on board? well you better get your wet suit on... anyway, surley somone would of seen them burying a huge container?
  10. RicH_87


    I've thought aboout this a fair bit but it's something that just skrews your head up. I believe that you just loose conciousness and that's that, your gone forever, but its hard to imagine nothingness. Like how will you know you're dead? Its hard to comprehend not existing. I'd like to believe there is something else, but that just seems impossible to me. Its the same sorta thing trying to imagine whats outside space? like what is space inside of? It just something we won't know until it happens. I'd like to exist in some way forever, i've always said i'd of loved to see the beginning of the earth and be there at the end. I don't care about the middle to be honest. I'm not so much scared of death, as apprehensive. Everyone has to go through it at some point so i just accept that, and i guess as you get older you just get used to the idea that you've not got long left. One thing i would hate would be drowing (i've been close), burning alive or falling from a massive height, just waiting for the impact, any situation where you know whats coming, and you have time to think about it... and i guess i'll get crimated and put in a marble pigeon hole at a cemetry, as that's what has happened to most of my family from what i can tell.
  11. RicH_87

    Cool Vid

    sweet video guys, awesome to watch.
  12. mate at work randomley, "i couldn't eat a kangaroo teste" *pulls awrkward face*
  13. --> QUOTE(danny B @ Jun 21 2006, 03:48 PM) ←how people crowd around the football ahhhhhhh i hate the world cup we aint going win brazil will it is a load of balls and the players area bunch of fags hmmm...
  14. RicH_87

    My Achne

    just thought i'd add a comment so that people don't just run straight out and buy loads of random drugs. i had achne just as bad as yours, and at some points much worse. It probably started when i was around 15-16 and i'm 19 now. It was just regular until i was probably about 17 when it started faliring up really badly. Like you i tried random faces washes, wipes, creams the usual commercial shite but a lot of it just made it worse. I found there is such thing as being too clean, your skin needs certain things to protect itself so by washing those all away it actually make the problem worse. Anyway, my mum kept suggesting we went to the docs to try and get some drugs or something to help out. I personally wasn't too botherd and said i'd just ride it out. Anyway I found a cream called Freederm which you can easily buy for a couple of quid. It's like an anti-inflamitory which for me was the worse part. I would get like big swollen lumps like when you hit you knee or elbow but the freederm helped keep that down which inturn stopped me playing with myself and as a result it all eventually died down. I also stopped using any kind of face wash/soap. I just wash my face once in the morning in the shower, again whenever i get it from work or anywhere else, and again just before bed all with warm water. I still get a few spots obviously but nowhere near as bad as they used to. I also found a product called Bio-Oil which can be used to help get rid of scarring and other things like stretch marks. I harley ever use it but it is good stuff and might help you get your skin completely clear of the redness. The worse thing about achne for me is the discomfort. At its worse it was like having a huge bruise and somone constantly poking it. I've only ever had one bad comment about it and i'm natuarally quite a laid back person so i would just grin an bear it. People who shun me cos of the way i look aren't worth knowing anyway imo. so yeh, in summary, avoid all the commercial crap like 'clearasil' etc. chances of it working are slim becasue everyones skin is different. Just washing your face with warm water is actually better than using any kind of soap. And leave it alone, this is hard, believe me i know, but prodding and poking your face will only make it worse. Just let it come and go, you'll be glad you did in the long run. Anyway, congrats on beating it, i'm glad the drugs worked for you, but i just wanted people to know there are other ways of going about it.
  15. [attachmentid=5454] [attachmentid=5455] w00t?
  16. i thought the chinese read from right to left?
  17. porter obviously broke one of the new hope hubs and if you remember wayy back somone on here said they would eat one if anyone managed to break one. the pics have obviously being removed, thats why it makes no sense.
  18. RicH_87


    if only, i'd still manage to catch my shoelace or something. my bike comes with unlimited grazes as standard.
  19. RicH_87


    when i fall off my bmx, usually one of two things happen. I eather sliiiiiiide along the floor, or i come to a sudden stop. Both hurt, el mucho, but only for a few minutes then i can usually get back on and try again. I've definatly hurt myself a lot worse on my bmx than i ever did on my trials bike, but with trials, when i fell i would end up winded or something like that, which makes you lay on the ground longer. In bmx you don't have time to get winded or anything like that because like mark said, you either have enough time to prepare for impact, or you're too busy scraping 3 layers of skin off you shoulders/hips/face.
  20. did you guys just fill it in over and over and over? or did you do it like once a day? also what did it say when you'd clicked send?
  21. still won't work, its 2.5mb, is that too el mucho?
  22. i have a video of a mini doing an endo but i can't get it to attach on here.
  23. RicH_87

    Bmx Video

    It looked strangley more impressive on my pc than it did on my tv, maybe i was expecting too much when i first watched it. anyway yeh thats all awesome, he's is amazingly good at everything so fair play, but to me he doesn't seem to have his own style, he just throws the biggest tricks everywhere and anywhere. which isn't a bad thing i guess, i'd be happy if i could ride like that. my fave bits are the 360 step up to balcony thing, and the fufanu, fufanu, abacuda to fake whip run in that small half pipe, mainly cos they were both pretty unique. I personaly like berringers run the most outta the dvd though.
  24. sweet, you guys know the best spots evah.
  25. i like the last two the best, probably the facial expressions, haha, the 2nd one would be awesome too if he didn't look so spasticated.
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