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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. is there a site or anything for that? i've seen a couple of shows on older 10 of the best meets but it seems quite hard to track down, you still have to be invited to it yeh? ---------------------------------- as for the cars, the two fords are obviously amazing, the rest are just utter shite. Look at that little peugeot for example. First off, its not really a peugeot, then there's the fact ot was designed for slow city driving, not modding, and finally, they have a numberplate that actually says CHAV on it???? Do those people not realise being a chav is a bad thing?
  2. never gonna happen. think about how many people own bikes, many of which own more than one, there would be so many loopholes. plus what about children? wheres the point where you are no longer allowed to ride on the pavement? will they make everyone pass a lisense to ride a bike? i don't think so. there's no way on earth I, or any one else i know would PAY to ride their bike. one minute they are telling us to cycle more, next minute they are calling it a neusance.
  3. holy shit that was sweet.
  4. thanks, i only just stopped crying tears of pain. could of been messy.
  5. i heard he reached 88mph and disappeared in a bright flash, leaving only two lines of fire.
  6. one time i slept right through.
  7. sounds like santa claus enjoyed it at least...
  8. haha his pants fell off, anyway,
  9. sweet as ever, its good to see a bike that obviously well used, rather than fresh out of the box. do you use Superstar micro pegs? if so is there really enough peg to nosepick/icepick with?
  10. trap your rear wheel in something and practice lifting the front and spinning the bars, once you've got that roll along and pratice throwing them half way. then its just a case of building up to throwing them all the way round, and eventually learning them with a hop. i haven't got them in a hop yet only in a manual, i gave up on them to be honest cos they are hard at first, but i plan on trying them out of a ramp so i don't have to concentrate on hopping and throwing, then building on that. bunnyhop crankflips are a good one too, i just rememberd, not many people do crankflips either so you get extra cool points.
  11. x-ups, lookbacks, turndowns, table tops, all fairly similar, 360 bunnyhops, if you've got 180's down shouldn't be too difficult. wallrides like somone else said are uber fun. just go out and have fun, nosebonk a few walls, hop to manual, wallride to 180, don't think too hard about what trick to pull, just go out and jump some gaps, or hop some stairs. that's what's good about bmx, you can have fun just riding about.
  12. oh right sorry, i didn't see any stats, i was just looking through the gallery. i guess if you're a millionaire, and you have every other tarckday car imaginable, that's about as close as you are gonna get to an f1 car.
  13. infact i think it's just a scale model, not an actual car. look at the windows for example, they look plasticy and fake, and the wheel nuts look tiny. Also on one of the photos the exhausts look like they are wrapped in silver tape. I recon it's just a model to show how f1 wings could be used on a road car, unless somone on here has actually seen it moving.
  14. hah damn i wish you hadn't figured it out now, U.G.L.Y.
  15. could be an apollo going by the badge on the number plate but i can't seem to find it. i've deffintaly seen that rear end somewhere before.
  16. nice finds^^ are animal making a new dvd right now? also,
  17. yup sorta... http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-ga...e-cgi-animation
  18. so what's trials then, drop gaps to rails?
  19. wow really? that film freaked me out when i was little.
  20. RicH_87

    Legal Shiznit

    i thought there was no law against growing it anyway, just you ain't aloud to sell it. like what if some guy had an old alotment which somhow grew loads of cannabis on by accident, then the owner would be getting prosicuted for doing nothing wrong. anyway as for the noise, just go round and ask them nicley, once. then go spray paint TURN IT DOWN across the front of their house.
  21. haha you actually listen to it? its got similar lyrics but it ain't the same song.
  22. BTW, to danny i guess, my quote buttons ain't working.
  23. its at the end of Finding Forrester too, when the guys outside are playing basketball.
  24. man i wish i was doing that, has he posted any pics of his car before he left? good luck to him too.
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