i found it was easist to learn it towards a small object, for example a curb or small wall. the main fear with learning to pedal-kick is whipping out, so by doing it towards something it'll stop the bike whipping out and give you that extra bit of confidence. so my advice is to back hop facing towards a curb, then lower the front a little and at the same time let of the back brake and kick towards the curb, then re-apply the brake. its all in the timing, which is something you can only learn by attempting it over and over and over. eventually you'll just do it without thinking about it at all, but the first few ettampts will be pretty brain taxing, i.e, you'll find yourself thinking it through in you head before you do it, and concentrating on each part, but that's also a good thing, as it'll mean your brain should figure it out quicker.