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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. i've always found it funny how men slag off women drivers no end, but as soon as a car has "1 women owner" its like the holy grail of second hand cars. anyway, i agree with what small_gear says. I bet a lot of womens 'accidents' are them reversing into a pillar at the local supermarket, where as most of the mens accidents are probably them throwing their porsche's into ditches at 120mph or rolling their white vans on a motorway.
  2. It's like somone said a few weeks ago, if trials becomes more 'commercial' then bigger companies will be looking to cash in on it, by making bikes that are fundamentally the same, just cheaper quality. Look at bmx for example, you can buy top end bikes/parts (animal, odyssey, federal etc...) and you can get some £100 jobbie from argos (dimondback, mongoose, GT etc...) The cheap bikes are aimed more at beginners who want to get into the sport without spending much. They are made to look similar to the top end bikes so that the newbies don't feel like outcasts, but the spec and build quality is usually lower, even though the frames are usually bomb proof. Please note, i'm not assuming Diamond Back are just making more trials bikes for the hell of it, with no regard to actual durability. For all i know these things could come with chris king hubs all round, hope brakes, the lot...but i doubt it.
  3. mint video man, always good to see some 'lines' lasting longer than 3 seconds. that last rail ride was a good'un too.
  4. I bet he sticks to the proper rover dealerships/body shop (if there are any left around). Therefore they'll slap on shit loads of labour charge, not to mention 20% extra on the cost of the bumper. I would say you're looking at £140+ if that happens. If however he's feeling generous he might just go to a small privately owned bodyshop and get it done for say £90.
  5. HAHAHAHAH! awesome. get3 is by far the best trials video of all time, but this isn't far off the same sorta feel. i personally loved the line where you upped the bin, then sidehopped to the wall with that fella behind watching. that's whats i love about trials, doing something totally amazing and out of the ordinary, in a regular place.
  6. is that a tf brouser usage thing? if so, LOL at somone coming on TF on their phone. That's dedication.
  7. yeh, that's so old, the woman used to write the rules are now 85 and cause more problems than ever.
  8. Emerica Prohibit 2, got them on now. they are the kind of jean you buy 3 pairs of, just incase they stop selling them.
  9. adidas roll-on for me, its the bee-knees. infact, becasue my local moggies stopped selling it, i had to go hunting for more, and when i found some, i bought 5.
  10. notice how the 3 zoo bummers all said the same thing i.e. not much... I think it would look alright if it didn't have that massive shit triangle gusset/booster, makes it looks out of proportion at the back. Plus white forks (like the baby blue law says)...and non yellow cable ties. Anyway, it's how you ride it, and no doubt you'll make it look immense. I'm well tempeted to grab and old megamo radica' 20" now or something and paint it baby blue with white forks, riser bars, high stem and a seat. that would be awesome....probably all snapped by now though.
  11. they are well cool, i was expecting them to be really expensive though, but actually they are pretty well priced. Its like i ALWAYS used to want one of those eectric cars that rich kids have, but my mum and dad would never get me one. Then one day they bought me one of those pedal go-karts, and said "we were thinking about getting you one of the electric ones but we thought you'd prefer to pedal"... oh well, whats the legal ages for adoption? i'm sure some random ethiopian child wouldn't mind an electric trials bike....providing i can borrow it on weekends.
  12. Photoshop: Raising Mens Expectations Of Women Since 1989™
  13. Just get a longer seat post if you want to pinch the seat? or buy another frame... I think it looks good, but then again it's probably custom made for turndowns and tailwhips, not 1 footed no-handed endos or something.
  14. yeh i ripped my whole nail clean off once under a skateboard wheel. when you touch the bit where it was it feels all fuzzy (like mega pins and needles). anyway, it bled for 3 days, was fun watching it gradually grow back though.
  15. I have a story. When my dad worked in the bank, a guy who worked for him used to drive home across the moors. One night he was driving along as you do when he looked in his mirror and saw the headlights of a car following him. Next time he looked he saw the headlights veer off the road to the left. He was pretty sure he hasn't just gone past a turning but he carried on home and decided to ring the police and tell them he might have witnessed a possible accident. Apparently the police went that way that night and couldn't see anything so decided to go back the next day. Next day they returned and went into the field where they found a car in amongst a load of thick bushes. However the car they found belonged to a guy who had gone missing 3 months earlier, and he was still sat in the drivers seat partially decomposed. --- I used to really believe in ghosts when i was little, but that's becasue i thought if i believed in them, they would know, and so wouldn't ever come and bother me. Nowadays i aren't sure. My logical brain tells me it's stupid, as there is NO evidence at all really of ghosts, all you hear is stories (much like the one above), so i guess almost all ghosts encounters are simply tricks of the mind. Its proven the human brain can hallucinate to massive extents if put in certain situations, extreme fear or just feeling paranoid for example, could lead you to see things that aren't really there. For me to really believe they exist now, i would have to not only see one, but have it throw a chair at my face or something.
  16. haha Zorro fo' sho' :zorro: Ninja's are usually, cool, but that one looks shit.
  17. i agree, plus, computers are such a household thing nowadays that its gonna be hard to get everyone off xp for quite a while yet. i mean, xp has been around years, yet i still know of people using win98. --- you'll be sound with that bundle mike. I did the same thing around two years ago and got a mobo/duron cpu combo for £99. it seemed lightning fast back then, and is still running smooth today.
  18. seriously what the f**k happened to bmx?!... the first two sections of part one just blew my face off, b e s t . r i d i n g . e v e r .
  19. [attachmentid=7560] why didn't anyone just do that?
  20. RicH_87

    Pro-mo Promo

    yeh but it's also becoming a lot more a shit hole. things seemed to be a lot better in the old days with their no messing sort of attitude. people are too afraid of stepping on other peoples toes nowadays.
  21. wasn't gonna bother leaving a comment, but that line at 2:20 was one of the best things i've seen on a bike. nice one.
  22. RicH_87

    Pro-mo Promo

    ok i'm back from work, and don't want to start an argument or anything but i just wanted to make one more point. Gay people/people who argue the point for gays always say to me, You can't hate someone for being gay, its the way they were born, they can't help the way they feel. And that's fair enough, i can understand that and see it from their point of view, However, when i get asked (like in this instance) about my OPINIONS on the subject, anything other that 'Yeh i love gays' gets my head biten off. Thats unfair, because in the same way gay people are attracted to the same sex, i can't help but feel hostile towards that. Its the way i am, i can't just suddenly change the way i feel about gay people, in exactly the same way gay people can't one day wake up and start fancying a bit of pink. I could understand if i walked around with a mega-phone shouting "ban gays from the world" or some other crazy person protest slogans, but i don't. I keep my opinions to myself unless i get asked about it, or a few of my straight mates bring the subject up. So to the pro-gay people, stop having a go at the people who hate GAYNESS, they don't hate you personally, they just don't like the idea of two (or more) men getting it on, getting married, having kids and so on. Its just plain wrong IN OUR OPINION, and that what we got asked about. Asking us to be ok with you being gay, is like us asking you to stop fancying men. as many a gay man has said to me, 'deal with it'.
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