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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. oh my god how old was sheckler when he filmed his part for that dvd? i think i just died at his section.
  2. at £650? thats a very committed beginner.
  3. i f**king love rodney mullen, i haven't actually seen any new footage for ages though, which is a shame, but its also a sign of him being the best skater/freestyler ever becasue he just loves to skate, not because he wants a load of publicity. for me probably top 5 best 'extreme sportsmen' ever and seems like a genuinely nice guy too. you know if this was the olden days, people would be saying jesus has returned, and he's riding a skateboard.
  4. it's ok now i overcame my initial panic and saved the day.
  5. f**king sweet, bestest bit is you can see all the photos in miniture, i hate sites that make you go through endless photos when you only want to see the ones you like, or sites that just have links like "man on a bench". really really good.
  6. yeh that fell apart right after a certain someone got voted out...
  7. are those rotors really only 160mm? they look hucking fuge.
  8. i think the idea is you go out and take the photo as regards to the subject. not just dig out an old picture from ages ago that matches. otherwise there is no point to the competition?
  9. yeh thats true, but what if some guy on your street road a mx motorbike every night at 11? you'd want the local authorities to do something about that then, and i'm pretty sure the guy with the bike wouldn't be too happy about your complaint. i know it makes no sense to you that someone wouldn't want a huge england flag on their street (it make no sense to me either, i'm on your side), but the guy with the bike would probably see no sense in his bike being impounded either. no matter how much we all hate it, a lot of the muslims do actually pay to live here, they aren't just given free houses, and they believe so strongly in their religion i can see that a few of them might think living on a street with a huge england flag might somehow stop them getting into paradise and missing out on the chance to physically bum allah. the ones that do get free housing, are on the whole living along side white british citizens that also got a free house, so you can't really pass judgement on them. i'm not trying to argue here, but i just didn't want to see people shouting their mouth off and taking sides, when all this is most likely organised and executed by white bristish people, not the muslims.
  10. you're not the only one, they sound like every other shit 'scream as loud as i can without any real lyrics or meaning' band i've heard. then again i've learnt not to argue about music, as its all about taste at the end of the day... in this case, bad taste.
  11. to you personally? if not, then you shouldn't believe everything you read/hear. plus one self-rightious-too-proud-for-his-own-good asian fella complaining about a flag is slightly different to you lot assuming the entire muslim community living in britain is trying to ban christmas. I am as anti muslim as the next bald headed chav but for their religious beliefs, not becasue they are trying to take over england. do you honestly think england will become and entirely asian country the way the majority of white men act? most of you don't believe in jesus anyway so what are you getting so worked up about? you'll all still get shiny presents, a turkey and two weeks off. more than can be said for most of the world. we'll all be dead before any of this actually matters anyway, so just enjoy life and stop worrying about the muslim invasion.
  12. guy you don't get it. it is VERY unlikely some 'paki' rang up the government and complained about there being a christmas tree in their town center or something. almost all PC incidents are a result of a group of WHITE goody goodies, who have made it there life's ambition to make muslims feel welcome, and whites feel guilty. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS ISN'T DREAMT UP BY 'BLACK PEOPLE'. don't be so stupid.
  13. some really good widescreen desktop backgrounds on here if anyone is interested. check out that beach/wave one on page one.
  14. please note that it'll be a white person, probabaly christian themselves that has done this. it's just a phase imo, and to be honest, i'm not religious myself so i don't care so much about it being wrong in that sense, the only thing that annoys me is knowing there are people out there that dedicate their lives to this sort of thing, (being a goody-goody two shoes). eventually being PC itself won't be PC, because it'll be seen as patronising to other cultures or something. just live with it, sure it's annoying and tedious to the max, but it doesn't really effect you. i'm sure as hell not gonna be changing the way i speak to content some stupid left wing softy. i've finally learnt it's better to keep your opinions to yourself and live your own life as it comes. arguments aren't worth the time or effort. just concentrate on the good stuff in life, and give the finger to the other crap.
  15. biggest waste of money i've ever spent. and i've bought a lot of shit stuff in the past.
  16. The Wrens are another band i started listening to about 3 months ago. unfortunately the song on there profile isn't their most upbeat but its class all the same, i'd put them in the same catagory as pinback, notwist, postal service etc, so if you like that sorta thing go get their album the medowlands.
  17. Mclusky, http://www.myspace.com/mclusky1 i heard one of their songs ages ago called "that man won't hang" but never found out who it was by, then yesterday i found out it was these guys. they have split up a while ago and there is another band around with one of their members in called the future of the left. edit: http://www.myspace.com/futureoftheleft future of the lefts myspace.
  18. RicH_87

    Halo 3

    i got the new trailer thing on my xbox earlier and to be fair it does look f**king insanely good, however, i then looked at the multiplayer screen shots and it didn't look much better than halo2, except it now has a quadbike. i hope bungie and ms don't play us again and hype it up so much, tease everyone, then release a below stndard peice of crap with a shelf life of 2 weeks. after all the only reason i still have my xbox is for halo 3, so it better be the best game ever, seriously.
  19. RicH_87

    Halo 3

    thats what i thought the other day but then i got to like the second level and couldn't be arsed anymore
  20. RicH_87

    Halo 3

    march next year i think is pretty much the right one. although i'd be surprised if they stuck to it.
  21. could of done with a few more turndowns, and a little less freecoaster..... just kidding.....turndowns suck.
  22. RicH_87


    wow, i didn't know you rode stock!.......... i'm just joking, take it easy on the drop gaps though man, you don't wanna skrew your shoulders up, work on the tech more cos you appear to be mint on the front wheel, (too mint). video was good too, i liked it.
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