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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. RicH_87

    Your Rooms

    Where i spend all my indoors time (when i'm not in the kitchen or garage): View from my PC chair, NOTE: human combustion on TV (Y) (Y)
  2. LOL someone just made this, (i wrote the run run bit)
  3. RicH_87

    Google Whack

    i think you've gotta spell both words right. (Y) this game is gay. People NEVER use google when they wanna know something but then they play this game....how ironic.
  4. RicH_87

    Your Rooms

    this thread inspied me to tidy my room. I only managed to clear my desk but its a start, my camera is flat right now so i might get a piccy later of my handywork (Y) P.s thats scrolly think is well cool Alexx, i like your neatly arranged Lynx cans (Y)
  5. nice of his mates to grab him before he fell out wasn't it (Y) also, i'm sure he slaps the bmxer out of the window but then the door magically opens (Y)
  6. lol, could your bike get any more random? :o" Its so weird thats its cool. (Y) do those stcikers all blur into brown when the wheel is spinning (Y)
  7. but surely 'alcohol' will be 'frozen' inside the chocolate and you won't be able to taste it. (Y) With the liquers, the whisy or whatever is inside a hollow choccy so when you bite them it flows out. Anyway, keep us updated (Y)
  8. I think you'll find they have already been invented....they are called 'chocolate liqueurs'
  9. They take ages to download but they are well insane (Y) How doesn't the string get all knotted and stuff? my string was wrecked just from doing 'round the world' HAHAHAHA. :)" Crazy to think how stuff like this is learnt. (Y)
  10. HAHAHAHA oh my god! thats too funny :( how/why did they suddenly find you out??
  11. Shit riding Shit brake Shit weather Dog Shit
  12. i bet he shat himself actually, i doubt you would seriosuly laugh if you saw someone smash there face in right in front of you.
  13. yup, both look the same, maybe the purple one is cheaper becasue its a 'less desirable' colour?
  14. well where has he gone at the end of the video? surly he would be lying near the parked car but he's not there.
  15. when they run back someone is coming towards them and theres no one near the parked car. I think he was ok, probably just a broken jaw. Probably learnt his lesson though. :(
  16. naa i prefer the old escort. the mini kicks serious ass but nothing beats an old ford. EDIT: off topic but, has there always been a spell check when you post a reply? or it is new?
  17. you picked a bad picture... infact....that puppy ain't too cute either. theres a cool dog ^
  18. Theres a body in mine at the moment but once i've hidden the evidence i'll put all my usual food stuffs back in. :D
  19. yeh it is, it looks like it's been hit in the head with a bat. the andrex puppy is kinda cute....its amazing how they always manage to find ones that look identicle. Border Collies are sweet too :D
  20. yup, just upgraded my BT line from 512kb to 1mb. Its basically the same as 512 except all my xboxes and PC's have a more stable, faster connection. The problem with 512kb was that it was split between 4 pcs and 2 xboxes and when you would use the line excessivly on one appliance (mainly my pc :D ) all the rest would suffer. With 1meg the difference isn't massive, but it deffinatly noticable, and it only costs us £3 more a month so we might as-well. :D No hassle either, i ordered 1meg, waiting about a week, then one night my internet went off, couple of minutes later it reconnected and it was 1mb :D
  21. those grips kick ass :ermm: happy birthday.
  22. ain't read the topic, but for a mod i would be thinking Booster Downtube Protector Bars RB Lever? Top-Cap Seat possibly (depending on the frame) Chainstay protectors
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