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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. LOL those bails were ace :P and the riding and filming was top notch :D I managed to download the whole shu-bang in under an hour too :D All the praise has been sang already so i'll just say, Awesome video.
  2. lol cool :D funkaay music :-
  3. HAHAHAHA too funny! "if you don't like that, you don't like NBA basketball!" :-
  4. i've had this picture on my pc for ages and thought it would make a good caption comp.. nba has some quality commentry sayings anyway so i'm sure it'll be a good one :P :- "now, thats the finest example if ball dribbling i've seen in years!" :D"
  5. my rear brake slipped once and i ended up stamping on my brige hose and snapping it. :- random, but take heed. :P
  6. RicH_87


    nice one :- , what ws it you failed on the first 2 times?
  7. remember to tuck the bike right up as-well, and as quick as possible. Crouch over the bars --> Jump/kick ---> massive tuckage ---> hoppy hoppy and smile for the cameras. :-
  8. not bad, seemed to drag on a bit though. Good editing. :-
  9. my pc is queit as a mouse :-" (if it was loud i would remove all the fans and have a foot pump which i constantly pumped with my foot or something) - i hate noisey-ness. Where about can you buy shuttles from? Are they basically a small pc? so you can put most of your old stuff in it?
  10. cos it lights up green :P :D" lol, i had a spare fan from my old computer so i just whacked it in down there. There are two HDD's above with barely any gap between them so they are pretty warm. An extra fan can't hurt :- The pc is normally cased up all around. Its only got mall vent holes on the side, no window and not many vents on the back. I know its not the typical 'modified' pc and it looks a mess, but it ain't standard so i guess it still counts.
  11. sorry about the quality, i got shakey hands for some reason.
  12. RicH_87


    should of said it was for an art project :- or said, "oh wow! next time i'll take a chair instead" (Y)
  13. very subtle viz advertising there (Y)" ...not. Nice riding though :- , are you even trying? cos you just seem to piss all over everything you do. :- good stuff.
  14. LOL, that really is old scool. Don't think it'll be worth much to newer riders but any collectors or people who want to re-own one (if it was their first bike or something) might give you some money, I would say maybe £100 depending on how much they wanted it and the condition. Would be awesome to see someone riding one on a group ride. (Y)
  15. anyone know if pete writes 'coffin mod' worked out? would be interesting to see. (Y)
  16. yeh i did that, its just me being a perfectionist wanted to get rid. oh well cheers anyway (Y)
  17. can you remove the spaces of this aqua thing? its pretty cool but i like simplistic and i don't want the spacers :- thanks for any help (Y)
  18. broken sound card? plugged it in the wrong jack?
  19. HAHAHA the 4th one in where he slips of the pedals, HAHAHAHAHA thats quality, i've done similar and come off worse before :- lol loving it (Y)
  20. hahaha no you can't beat me i have trials-forum open in a window and my coursework open in word...i sit down and open my course work, then a couple of minutes later i realize i'm browsing tf again.....i don't even notice i had changed the window! Thats so scary shit right there....think i need to go cold turkey on trials-forum for a while. (Y)
  21. RicH_87

    Really Strange

    open the window, so that when you hit the bell with a rock, the door will open. :rolleyes:
  22. I sprayed my t-pro white. You can't get the andonizing off at home so i just roughed the surface up (sanded it down until it was dull) then washed it and dryed it. That was my prep stage, then i sprayed a few coats of metal primer, and let that dry. Then i sprayed it my colour (white) and kept it in a warm place after everycoat (it helps the paint dry harder). Then i covered the lot in loads of clear acrylic (laquer) and let that dry. The laquer is the most important bit, it help set a clear, tough protective layer over the whole thing. (Y) I did my x-alp forks using the same process and they are fine too. :- EDIT: HANDY HINT - take your time. I know its tempting to rush and do an extra coat after 30mins or whatever but in the long run you'll regret it. The longer you take, the longer the paint will last :rolleyes:
  23. wait for it guys, my desktop its a hotty! (Y) :rolleyes:"
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