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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. RicH_87


    right click folder --> customize tab --> change icon --> 'restore default'??? if not... you could always do a system restore to before you installed the pack, (Y)
  2. sweet! same as me (Y) ....i want a car so badly now, its like a physical pain in the ass. any news from slinger?
  3. you should of fell into that car, then blaimed the damage on the men (N)"
  4. lol fair enough, you should of remembered that its illegal to publicy display your anus. :P"
  5. HAHAHA, thats proper quality. hahahaha oh my god! is the moony guy on this forum?
  6. i got about 4mins i think. was really good, your riding is swee and some original lines too. keep them coming (N)
  7. who cares how 'good' they are. in the world of cars, faster = better. unless you gotta commute for hours on end, in which case...you should be on the train.
  8. just noticed, you call that a jump? :P" :P heres my car: haha! i wish! (N)
  9. Mine (at the moment) is the milkcarton from the Blur video (Coffee & TV) i thought he was pretty cool. The phrase is the one from the fast show. :P and milk is brilliant after all. (N)
  10. Out of those, i recon The Killers has the most songs that are actually any good, The otehr two on;ly have 1 or 2 tracks that would appeal to me. Longview are similarly good :o
  11. thanks guys! :) :o no i haven't got a car yet, not looking like i'm gonna have one any time soon either, :) oh well, it'll be worth the wait, i love driving. :D
  12. i've had it for 4 weeks. Not bad enough to keep me bed ridden though. It started out with a sore throat, then i had the massive pressure at the top of my nose, then it's been a steady cough/runny nose for 3 weeks and yesterday i went a bit deaf in my left ear and it still like that. :o :-
  13. what you talking about?...i was quite obviously commenting on her girly eyes. :D" and, oh my god! i can't believe they called it Cruise... he's gonna be Cruisin for a Bruisin at school. :o
  14. thats a girl :o and i don't get it.
  15. Just thought i'd post to say i passed my test today. (4 minors :- ) so yeh, how did slinger do? cos his was today wasn't it? a very happy me. :o
  16. cool pictures but.... how come theres some sort of flare in all of them? and how come there s terrorist stood in the doorway on the last one? :o
  17. my biggest ever was approx 7ft, that was from the middle of the road to a curb (it was static not rolling). that was a while back though, and i have lost the touch :o
  18. and what 'make' might those new bits be?! :D" looking neato bureto! :- black cranks would finish it off a quality street. :o
  19. RicH_87

    Tibo Marriaux

    yeh, me too....escpcially with all those KOXX/TRY-ALL components, :closedeyes:
  20. fair enough, no probs (Y) was worth a try :closedeyes:
  21. unlucky, :closedeyes: no disrespect to your frame but can i have your headset? (Y)"
  22. Nooo it can't snow, i have my 2nd driving test tomorrow and i've been waiting for months :closedeyes: If it snows will it be cancled? or is it only based on visibility?
  23. me and some guy on msn have got to 8 but 8 is stupid, i don't even understand the question. here is is for those that want it MATH LEVEL 8
  24. sorry i meant 777 + (1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x0) = 777
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