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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. RicH_87

    Oh My God!

    "if i can't have your cock! no one can!...Muhahahahaha"
  2. i bet its so boring waiting to get up there.
  3. i used to have some swimming goggles with a hologram of eyes on them hahaha they looked so mint. :(
  4. The guy who has made 26twenty.tk does know about 26twenty.com, and he said that you don't have it copyrighted so he is allowed to use that name. I think he also passed comment on getting it copyrighted as-well, cheeky b*****d. I found his topic HERE
  5. RicH_87

    My Biatch

    i've seen a lot worse.
  6. say bandwidth has been exceeded, therefore i can't see it.
  7. the sheer fact that little britain is shit means office gets my vote.
  8. maybe they only stock good games :blink:"
  9. lol you still piss all over everything even when your hand is wrecked. Some of the stuff looks so easy it's kinda hard to appreciate what your doing. Who was tha kid at the end? is he the TRA Junior? :("
  10. I agree PGR2 is better,but alot of that is down to it being ONLINE. Its super realistic (too realistic sometimes) and the cars are the most accurate i've ever seen in anygame... i wasted a whole xmas on PGR2 and ended up 6th in the world, my little brother managed to get 1st in the wrorld and stayed there for 2 weeks until some fat scotsman stole it. Anyway, i ain't arguing, both games are good, i just think PGR2 is that bit better in every department. plus, you can't damage the cars in GT, where's the fun in that?
  11. I got a flatscreen toshiba, its only 21" but any bigger would be rediculous in my room. The nicam sound is awsome and you can change the bass/treble etc all seperatly. I would say go for a toshiba or sony, or even a panasonic. I wouldn't trust any other brand really. Also try and make sure you get a pure flat screen, Its soo much better than a crappy dome. (Y)
  12. if my ps2 was reliable instead of a pile of crap i might consider it. However, i'll probably just get the psp version. I've gone right off video games recently, there hasn't been and classics released for ages.
  13. the new mini isn't a british car. (Y)
  14. indeed. in the end it's about how good you are at your JOB not how good you were at school.
  15. i bunked to get my english coursework done, but i over slept and haven't started yet. (Y)
  16. suspense is much better than knowing the truth. As the stroy behind it is about as exciting as a grey anarac on a grey coat hanger hanging in a grey closet, on national dull day. :blink:
  17. RicH_87


    yeh the gap was sweet. the paase was pretty good to, but it would of maybe been better if it faded out on the pause, or just faded out at all, the music and the filming just ended abruptly. I think its better when it all fades out, just smoother i guess. it was still good though, no doubting. :ermm:
  18. RicH_87


    proper good video, editting was pretty sweet and some nice riding. Ending was a bit poor though, but still enjoyed it. Good effort, :ermm: P.s, perfect file size with good length and reasonable quality. The way it should be. :lol:
  19. RicH_87

    Band Names

    Jackknife Matine. (ma-ti-nay) :ermm:
  20. i bet he's already made it, but they aren't going to show it on a crappy 30 seconds long net clip. Even if he can pull it first time everytime, he is obviously going tol wait for a big comp to show it off.
  21. 9, wow, i'm so anti-dumb :ermm:
  22. lol, actually not far of what i was getting at. No matter how stupid or how over coucious a word from you parents iseem to be, i still believe it has some sort of subliminal effect. So even if the child seems to take no notice, they will still take more care and act more sensibly. I'm not blameing the parents, and i'm not laughing at the situation, but i'm certainly nor feelying sympathetic. A 10 year-old boy to me is still completely oblivious of what is safe and what isn't, and in many cases won't know right from wrong. I was merely trying to say that i'm sure it could of been ovoided, and i cam across as sounding harsh and ignorant (as usual). Btw, the snowball apparently weighed quarter of a tonne.
  23. yo guys, it doesn't really work if you post the same avatar over and over and over. :ermm:
  24. LOL, thats sweet. its one of those videos where you just want someone else to give it a go and stick it first time.... hahahaha how much piss would that take. Good on Dave tha big crazy blue biked mofo. :blink:
  25. no, i strongly believe in letting kids do what they want. My parents are really laid back and i really appreciate it, however, the kid was 10 years old, a bit of strong advise would of been a good idea at least. I doubt many 10 year olds are let out and about on their own when the conditions are as bad as that. This story was just on the news funnily enough, and he's the 2nd person to die as a result of the snow. Theo tehr victim is apparently a man, who hit a tree while sledging. :blink:
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