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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. sweet, loving the widescreen angle, and very cool riding, not to chilled not too agressive, just awesome :unsure:
  2. what forks he got?? are they carbon? because i didn't know you could get them for a 20" unless they are 26" ones, but it doesn't look like a 26" rim would fit. :unsure:
  3. lol, wait for Bongos reply, it'll be like,.. "14, but only 4 are my own." :unsure:" what is the general ratio of top to bottom?
  4. I have stapled my thumb I have got a rubber glove and my hand that was inside of it wrapped around a compressed air gun (when fitting wheels to a truck) I have had a ball bearing stuck in my throat (my mums saved me though by shaking me upside down by my ankles!) (Y) I have had a freewheel impailed in my finger I have been shot point blank in my eye with a BB gun I have been twanged point blank in my other eye with a rubber band (my eyeball actually got a purple bruise on it) And most recently my mate at school made a paper plane with a drawing pin blue-tacked to the front, He then proceeded to throw it at my arm to which it got stuck, (i then pulled it out and lobbed it at him as he was running away and managed to get it stuck in his tricep :) hahaha the whole common room was laughing, whilst my arm bled everywhere) :unsure: also, unrelated, I have ripped my nail of under a skateboard wheel and burnt the skin off my thumb with a 7.2V battery
  5. 13, soon to be 14 though :unsure: (one partically erupted, in destist language (Y)" ) 14 bottom jaw as-well. Does everyone have the same number in both jaws?
  6. RicH_87

    Funny Vids

    That massive basket ball lob is crazy! even hollywood couldn't think up that ending. And the 'amazing skater kid' is Rodney Mullen, one of the best street skaters in the world and one that invented a hell of a lot of the tricks that make street what is is today!
  7. lol, i bet he just falls on his face now after all thje hype. looks good (Y)
  8. RicH_87

    X Box Live?

    my tag is x RicH x if anyone is interested, feel free to add me. i won't really be on much until forza is out, or they release some new halo maps :) . :turned:
  9. RicH_87


    limewire. get. now. it.
  10. LOL, its weird you posted this cos i have recently being going through old school photos with my mate and laughing at how big our heads look. :-" anyway yeh, there's me, looking German apparently. (i have brown hair now, weird how it changes as you get older, i expect it to be grey by the time i'm 30 :turned: )
  11. RicH_87

    What Car

    go cheap just to learn in, keep it for a year and save another £1000+ then when you pass, flog the cheapy polo and buy something really nice. :blink: you don't really need a nice car just to learn and if you spend more now you will wish you had held back in a years time so you could have a nicer motor.
  12. RicH_87


    No, you can use a regular RF aerial cable to connect your ps2 into your arial socket instead of scart. for example: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...2579514-0790860 OR If you have a PS1 i've heard you can use the old RF cable from that. :blink: here's a picture becasue i'm in a helpful mood. :angry:
  13. it's only a problem when people go trawling through all the old videos and bump them up by leaving an un-needed comment. There should be a 'rule' where you can't comment on a video thats more than 2 months old or something. Once a video has dropped off the first two pages, any further comments usually aren't nessesary, especially just to say "wow! great video!".
  14. 1,394,662.00 hahaha, practically free! (N)
  15. RicH_87


    hahaha! it just kept going and going! at one point it went off the screen so i checked my msn convos and when i clicked it back up it still hadn't re-appeared. (N) I also love power-ups :D
  16. RicH_87


    lol i just got 2239.46 i bet it's possible to keep it up forever with the right technique!....(how gay is that sentence (N) )
  17. RicH_87


    CLICK HERE its kinda like the yeti ones but its a dodgy japanese version or something involving anime girls and weird screaming. :D :P" Anyway yeh, my best so far is 487.99 thought i would share the wealth :D EDIT: i just figured out you can click the red and blue arrows on the top left and use special powerups or something. new record is 856.76 (N)
  18. RicH_87


    'work bike'? are you a postman? :D also, no, i can't wheelie sitting down because i have a stupid little mod with no stupid seat. :D
  19. lol mine is colour coding check out the dustcaps matching with the hosing :lol:"
  20. RicH_87

    New Video

    excellentayyyy! and yeh, what did the hag say?! Lmao! :lol:
  21. top stuff, that would of been a mint gap if you made it. crazy!
  22. you getting this for yourself? or so other people think you are cool?
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