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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. wow sweet :P . Those high speed bunny hops at the end of the steven one were ace. what is that message all about half way through the steven one? "whats round at both ends and high in the middle?" :P
  2. very sweet, the big hop onto the roof was cool. :P just putting this link here so i can save it forever, (muhahah!) http://www.dramabmx.com/media/trailer.mov
  3. what about one of these? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...5760883149&rd=1
  4. RicH_87


    lol so what happens if you can't afford them? do they just dissapear forever? :)
  5. RicH_87


    yeh it will fit.My mate has one on his t-pro 04 and the T-proi 03 downtube has a smaller diameter than the t-pro 04/05, so i'm sure it'll fit. Its your decision whether you get one or not. yes, they do their job, but so does plent of other things. i personally have a Carbonique protector, its saved my frame about 3 times from big hits. :) I can get a pic if your interested.
  6. RicH_87


    lol! they look like the bike verison of alloy wheels. bling bling :)
  7. very sweet! :) loving CLS' sidehop to 360 pivot thingy, nice and aggressive. :)
  8. RicH_87

    Star Wars Nerds!

    its funny becasue they are to nerdy to do anything about it. they just stand there and take the abuse. (Y) "the correct answer is, who gives a f**k!" LMAO, you couldn't rip the piss any more if you tried.
  9. LMAO! you been serious?
  10. i've never had any problems with them. would be nice to have an up to date site but its no biggy really.
  11. RicH_87


    hahah yeh, that camera MAKES the modstock videos what they are. good video, enjoyed it. (Y) where can i get coolio? cos i lost it. (Y)
  12. maybe they were just having a catty race. (Y)
  13. i want those brakes.
  14. RicH_87

    Random Faves

    Sounds: Freewheel Buzzing tyres on smooth tarmac Next doors e-type jag Tapping fingers on a hardback book Rustling leaves in a small summer breeze Smells: Petrol Libraries New textbooks Freshly washed pillow case Sweaty finger after you've removed a plaster (Y) :D Textures Hardback book with a matt finish Carbon Bars Hard worn denim Granite Walls Ear lobes (Y)"
  15. think i answered this in the 'random small questions' thread I THINK it was the zootons or something similar. i'll go check. yeh, got it, the song is by 'The Zutons' not sure what it's called though.
  16. totally onza carbon risers. :lol: they are pricey but you get what you pay for. http://tartybikes.co.uk/image.php?image=carbonbarall.jpg
  17. here's me in my new room, i just moved in! :lol:
  18. yeh green headset would be a nice touch, can you get a green middleburn bash ring? thats would be niiiice! :lol:
  19. oh my god too good! i could of watched that all day. That sidehop to bridge on the pillars was sweet as hell, awesome. :lol:
  20. RicH_87


    I've just been watching a show about imigration and noticed they didn't have any people on that were under 21 years old, so just wanting to know the general youths view. I know a lot of young people aren't politically minded enough to have a good view on this sort of thing but i still believe we should have our say. so anyway, until recently i was against imigration because i believed that people were coming over here and living off the state rather than earning their keep and giving something back to this country,however it could be argued that alot of people who are born in this country do the exact same thing... After watching the show i think 'vei managed to sum up my view. I believe people should be allowed into the country but only on a temporary basis, (say 18 months). After being in this contry for a ceratin amount of time they should be able to prove that they are here with good intentions and are able to get and hold down a job and pay all the taxes and so on that 'real' british residents pay. They should also expect to follow our laws and accept our views without causing conflict. By this i mean they can voice their opinion as-well and practice any religion they see fit, however they must repect british rules and customs aswel. (in other words, they should not act in a racist manner towards the british people) In return 'we' should accept them and give them an equal opurtunity to make a good life for themself in this country. In summary, i think imigration has given a lot to this country and can still ofter it even more in the future, however i think the laws should be tightened up so that all the criminals and 'bums' are filtered out. My view is basically, "when in rome, do as the romans do"
  21. theres a lot of saxos where i am, most of them are driven by mums on the school run. there's at least 3 saxo vts' outside the primaray school on my road every morning.
  22. RicH_87

    Pc Help

    i used to get this on mine, i just kept pressing reset until it beeped and booted up. after i put some silver grease on the cpu it didn't do it again. porbably totally un reated solution so i repeat: turn it off and unplug it open it up double check all the cables connecting to everything (power switch, reset button, hdd's, dvd drives etc. give it all a nice dust whilst you there put it back together and give it another try. I really don't think anything will be physically broken, the pc is probably just a bit 'confused' .
  23. RicH_87

    Pc Help

    haha thats nothing. I once finished building up my PC and i went to turn it on and nothing happened, so i opened it up to check all the cables were connected and checked all the jumpers and everything, tried it again and nothing happened. It took me about 15 mins to realise that the little switch on the back of the power supply was tuned off. :">
  24. as i said in the previous topic, 'hahahah! awesome.' The brown looks less 'browny' which has made a huge difference, it's actually turned out pretty respectable. :unsure:
  25. RicH_87

    Pc Help

    open it up and chek that everything is connected. sometimes if a cable is loose or connected wrongly the pc simply won't boot.
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