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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. they don't work on firefox. you can only view them on IE. :huh: nice gap :P
  2. could be to do with the little cables connecting the on/off/reset/hdd light to the motherboard. You checked you got them all in the right places?
  3. theres a picture somewhere of a rider just as they have crashed into a lampost. I have looked about but i can't seem to find it.
  4. i have a squirrel on my front tyre if that counts :P" and i'm sure someone 'put' one on there rotor one time. :huh:
  5. out of interest...does the CNC'd headtube actually make the frame stonger? or is it purley for vainity???
  6. how about no. if you want to see pretty little pictures search google or find a different forum.
  7. RicH_87

    Sam Holmes

    liked it loads! nice one. Hope your wrist heals up nicely too. (Y)
  8. off topic: My msn has just decided to fook up and now it won't connect with a similar (but not the same) message as the one above. Anyone else got problems? (Y)
  9. oh my god! i physically NEED those forks.
  10. a bananna? if thats right.... What's Long, Hard and full of Seamen?
  11. what do you call a man with a buket on his head?..... Twat. Why did the man fall of his bike?..... Cos' someone threw a fridge at him. There, that pretty much sums up bad jokes.
  12. RicH_87


    can you still get the original '05 Team frames?? they look mucho nicer, and would be ace if any remaining ones were sold cheap :P"
  13. RicH_87

    Magura Bit

    you can't bodge that. Its not the same as the common TPA breakege. Just buy new ones. (which i guess you already are but i'll post this anyway :( )
  14. very nice. ultra quick but controlled at the same time. the rest has all been said already. :(
  15. https://host24.ipowerweb.com/~tpsopini/tps/nph-tps.pl muhahahaa
  16. LOL, it's funny, but i dread to thing on what the story would be. I bet mr tickle and mr strong would be in there somewhere. :(" more:
  17. cool, some nice riding. :(
  18. might be a firewal?. I have a bullet proof one and it sometimes messes up my msn, I also get that message quite often. My msn seems to freeze whenever i sign in, it sorts it's self out eventually though and whenever i get that message i just keep trying again and again and eventually i get on.
  19. 11. You Must Have the Right to Use All of the Images, Music and Data of Any Sort in Your Authorized Content, and You Must Have the Right to Grant the Licenses in this Agreement. That's what it says in the Terms Of Service, but i don't think anyone would possibly be able to view all the videos that are uploaded to check if they breach copyrights. I wouldn't advise putting band/song names in the titles anymore though as that would obviously make them easier to spot. :(
  20. carbonique seem to fit the bill pretty well. I noticed they are discontinued now but anything similar would sell well i recon. :blink: mines fine, and has taken a fair amount of abuse.
  21. Whats the difference between Neil Armstrong and Michael Jackson?.... One was the first man to walk on the moon, The other f**ks little boys in the ass. --------------------- Why did Michael Jackson spread dareliegh on hi cock?... Cos' kids'll do anything for dareliegh. -------------------- Whats Pink and Bubbley?......... A baby in a microwave. :blink:" -------------------- Whats black and blue and doesn't like sex? A rape victim. :(" (ooo contraversial)
  22. looks good. is your a LB Long? i can't remember...
  23. i go as fast as i think i can handle...i think most people just drive within what they see to be their capabilities. remember back to when you first learnt to ride a bike, I know i never sped around really quick until i felt in complete control, and i now that i can handle a bike resonably well i go a fast as i like becasue i know i can handle it. speeding is wrong though and i would never go rediculously fast. I just remember what a slog it seemed to be to get my license and dread the thought of doing it all over again. just my 2 cents
  24. perfection in bike form right there.
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