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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. yeh, i totally set the trend for all the people around me because i ride trials. When i go to school everyone is always checking out what i'm wearing so they can go buy it. And i often hear people saying they are 'going shopping for the latest trials gear' on the weekend. (sarcasm^) as-if people actually go out shopping for a cetain look just because it goes with a cool sport. I doubt people go to the shop and buy 'skate' wear so that people think they can skate. It's just that their taste of clothing is labeled at 'skate' clothing. (f1 fans don't walk around in overalls and a helmet so people think they are a racing driver do they)
  2. LOL!^ unlucky mate, good luck with the bodged effort at the comp. :lol:
  3. http://mansfieldandpleasley.co.uk/ nice site, i have one just like that! >_<" www.guiseleytrials.tk
  4. oh my god! HAHAHAHA thats fukin mint. did someone make that or is it official? (Y)
  5. what nobody knows is that his mate put super glue on Frika's bars and grease on the bench :)"
  6. twas a cool video, some mahooosive gappage in there! :- nice one guys.
  7. RicH_87

    Leeson 609

    i liked the stickers, maybe just try a different colour? meh, compression didn't help but you get the idea. :- bike looks sweet either way.
  8. HAHAHAHA thats ace. you actually tried riding it at-all?? if not, get a chain on and try it out. :)
  9. RicH_87

    Cleanbikes Video

    nice, ain't keen on the music but can't fault the immense riding. :)
  10. RicH_87

    My New Bike

    deffo Team forks, and deffo zoo bars (or onza carbon risers if you can afford them!) any stem will do really, but i would say echo. (Y) nice bike too, i would love to try your brakes. :-
  11. RicH_87

    26twenty Video

    quality as-usual, looking forward to more of the same, I remeber your old ones with neil tunni (i think) and the massive yellow koxx bunnyhops. (Y)
  12. where i live now is pretty sweet.It's comfortable, warm, dry, relitavley safe, fairly big but still cosy...i am pretty proud of my house and think it's ace what my parents have acheived. Of course if i could have anything, it would be a nice, airy, open plan type flat with a nice garden and pool. Probably in the country but not too far from civilisation.
  13. I bet it's either black, red, blue, yellow, green, orange or some kind of purple. (Y)"
  14. lol lovin' the 'jackass style' intros....sweet video dude, I always like the damnation efforts. (Y)
  15. i think it's proabbly cos they are super thin so you aren't used to the size. if you still hate them in a couple of weeks, go for the Koxx grips. I use them with no gloves and they are sweet. >_<
  16. RicH_87

    Text Talk?

    people invented txt talk becasue ages back text messages could only have a certain amount of characters and so they had to shortern the words to fit more in. I still agree that it should be banned forever though, i don't even txt in txt talk, i xt with commas and full stops and question marks. :)
  17. naaa, it would just make a nice kicker :D :P"
  18. RicH_87


    Choccy Raisins from marks and sparks,... (you know they rock) :D
  19. whats that weird round mark at the top of where it's snapped?? looks a bit iffy :D
  20. I have a freeride/trials video where some guy backflips off a tree. Dunno if that counts. :)
  21. well, if your gonna polish a turd, use some elbow grease and do it properly. :P" some of the street cars are mint on the other pages. I still think the Japs make great cars. :P
  22. it's awesome! some nice ideas coming from onza recently and every one of them i would of been willing to buy.
  23. ....your name is rich. :huh:"
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