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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. like the last one, seems 'clean' and it's a nice size. :)
  2. hell yeh. :) not amazingly better riding than previous videos but loads more presise.
  3. LOL! can't believe its really a tatoo! i was gonna comment on it but then i asumed it was a light glare on the camera. Looks cool. :) nice pics too.
  4. fancy taking a picture of it? cos i am too cheap to buy mbuk nowadays :)
  5. RicH_87


    LOL, oh yeh, spooookay! :)
  6. RicH_87


    first thing that springs to mind is WHAT A SAD b*****d! i saw a show about this a while ago on ch4 and some guy f**ked horses and stuff. Its so lame.
  7. IF you ever get this to work, here's a helpful hint on how to corner on it... hehehe :)
  8. lol damn you, i was greedy and wanted the last few seconds and now it won't play at all. :)
  9. i think we established the end was missing right at the start of the thread. :) cool video, some sweet street riding going on. I hope we get to see volume 10 (Y)
  10. is this the song that goes, "this shit is bananas, B,A,N,A,N,A,S" I have it somewhere if you need it, but it's shit so i wouldn't bother if i was you.
  11. LOL! the kids on the bikes was a bit harsh but the rest were pretty funny.
  12. LOL some of that is rather dumb but did i see someone getting sucked into a jet engine near the end? (Y) :huh:
  13. LOL this page really does rule. I can imagine the author is a bit of a twat but what he says is so true.
  14. RicH_87

    Dartmoor Vid.

    thats the most streety natural i've ever seen. cool video guys. :o
  15. cool pictures, some nice moves there and looked like a great get together.
  16. leave it on, but cable tie a cupcake to the bottom of it, that way you'll learn not to hit it on walls, and have a tasty reward at the end of a ride. :o
  17. yeh shit sorry got confused. meh it's still ace.
  18. nice one, got it first time :o great video too, my fave natural video has always been 'july03' by Hyland (not slinger :"> ) but i think we might have a new champion :o i can barely walk over some of those rocks, nevermind ride my bike there.
  19. I'm guessing it's just luck. Sometimes i get things next day, sometimes the same service will take 2-3 days. It's probably just depends where about you are on the 'list' of deliveries. fastest i've had was when i bought something from japan at 4pm and it arrived the next day at 11:30am.
  20. why does mine keep freezing? i take it it's a problem at my end? any chance of an alternate link? (yousendit.com would be ok :o )
  21. I ride an onza. And i stick by my point. Almost everybody who starts trials buys an onza (especially if they want to ride mod), so inevitably the majority of onzas are riden by very low skilled riders, therefore as a result, they are riden into the ground (meaning they are abused). In referance to your last comment, I don't think EVERYONE that rides a koxx is better than EVERYONE who rides an onza, but on the whole they are. You know it's true so don't try and start and argument.
  22. I agree that the bash looks a little over used but even so, the bash plate should of snapped before the frame gave way. I managed to bash my bashplate into all kinds of shapes on my old t-pro 03, but the bashplate always snapped before the frame suffered any damage. Judging by the riders comments 6 weeks ago when he first dented the downtube it looks to me like the t-mag's downtube is far too weak. Those bashplates are made of cheese, i can bend one back with my hands, so for it to force a hole in a relitavly brand new frame is stupid. Also, it would only take 10 - 15 harsh hits on the back of the bashplate in order to force it into that shape so over 6 weeks it isn't amazingly damaged, especially considering it's been riden on natural where bash is used a lot more. The rubber in the middle is soft so the fact it's squashed really doesn't count for anything and IMO the rear bashplate mounts are far too small. I'm sure if they were like the ones on the t-pro (one continuous flat peice of alu) the bash plate couldn't of been bent so far forward in the first place. Onza offering a half price replacement is fair enough if they truely believe it's been abused, But IMO if you analyse what has happened and over how many weeks then there is clearly something not quite right with the t-mags downtube. It'll be interesting to see how many more are broken considering the average level of riders who own an onza, and weather or not this really is a one off.
  23. lol how come noone seems to notice?
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