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Everything posted by RicH_87

  1. LOL! in the 4th pic down the guy on the black mod looks like he's just wearing boxers. :(
  2. RicH_87


    lol how anti-mod can someone be (N) i say echo team as-well. what length levelboss did you have?
  3. REMOTE CONTROL PC TRUCK not mine, but thought some people might be interested. (N)
  4. good effort JT! (Y) but...how ironic is it that you ain't posted in here. The one topic that praises you. (N)
  5. ask fatmike. he seems to know his stuff. (N)
  6. RicH_87


    naa, i'm sure they found a book of 'child erotica' in his house. Its not porn, it's erotica.
  7. RicH_87


    hahaha so true. anyway, even if they had a video of jako f**king a 9 year old boy there's noway they'd send him to 'real jail' I wonder if they'll give him back his 'child erotica'
  8. ain't 'starting' anything BUT.... even when 3rd world debts are cleared the countries are still screwed. Was reading the paper a week or so ago and saw a story about how more than most of the money thats been 'lent' to 3rd world contries has gone into the pokets of their leaders. Thats why the countries never seem to develope. In the same story it stated that a 35million pound debt was cleared for one country (i forget which) then a week later its leader bought a 32million pound personal jet. Now whats that all about? Live8 is bull, 3rd world help is bull and 3rd world leaders talk bull and line their pockets with money that should be used to beneifit the majority of the worlds population. for some sick reason i am a firm believer in 'dog eat dog' and 'suvival of the fittest'. I know its contraversial but let them sort their own mess out, who really cares as-long as we're doing fine.
  9. RicH_87

    To Kerrie...

    HAHA! i'm 1 day older than you (N) guess i better wish happy b.day whilst i'm here, Happy Birthday.
  10. might as-well sell them if you ain't gonna go anyway. Its up to the buyer if they want to be stupid and pay £££'s for them.
  11. ditto, that's what i was going to suggest when i opened the thread so just backing Ali c up. (N) if you're careful you may be able to re-use the bolt and re tighten it using the screwdriver.
  12. i think its more a case of 'ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer' however on the forum it's more like 'pass a stupid comment, get a stupid opinion' plus is exam time and people are a bit more edgy than usual.
  13. some nice picstures there. my personal faves are 6054 and 6070. p.s how sweet is slingers frame looking. (Y) (N)
  14. we all know it was a typo so why don't you both deflate you heads a little and get on with your own lives. *adds thread to the list of 'top 10 worst threads ever created'*
  15. there's no chance i'll be going, but out of interest is it BMX only or can you ride any bike?
  16. hahah awesome video. everyone who is feelin lazy, make the effort, this weird video is ace. :turned:
  17. I'm gonna say it's wrong because it's going to offend the relatives and comrades of the people who died that visit and maintain it. However if the people who died were somehow resurrected and could watch us i'm sure they'd be equally impressed. :lol:"
  18. yeh but the dude who posted it said it was gonna be sold under the name Zona (check trials nation) i don't mind if it's a 'copy' just means better frames for cheaper people. having said that, i BET onza can't copy the new echo team with the cnc headtube :wub:" go on i dare you. (this is nothing to do with the fact i want one but ain't paying £400 for it)
  19. what's this all about then mr.onza? (Y)
  20. yeh i can see that being true. if someone comes across a new song/band on p2p then they are likely to go out and buy an album or two. what happens if you get caught and fined but don't pay up? do you got o jail and how long for?
  21. Testify! cos i don't ride stock could you clear something up for me. Does the bike actually have to have a shifter and cable along with the 6 working gears? or can you just have 6 gears and a locked out mech with no shifter? basically. do the gears actually have to be functional?
  22. if the artists were poor and living in abandoned council houses then fair enough, but most if not all of them are millionaires making huge profits doing what they apparently 'love' doing. they should stop beefin and realise how great their lives actually are. same goes for the record companies and whoever else is beefin about lack of sales. Tha fact is, albums aren't worth £12 nowadays. Bands recently have been shite, with one or two good tracks and a whole list of fillers. If a good album comes out that i like, i'll buy it, but otherwise, if its there for the taking, i'm gonna take all i want.
  23. Really liked the video, some nice riding and just a generally cool feel to it. sweet.
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