not me but my mate said when he sleeping round at another friends house he woke up during the night and the map poster on the wall was glowing. The next morning he asked his mate about his 'glow in the dark' poster but the fact was the poster was just normal poster, not a glow in the dark one.
later on he was upstairs getting something from his friends room and he got hit on the head by a ball, he went looking for his friend thinking he had thrown the ball at him but his mate insited that he hadn't.
his mates mum confirmed that their house is haunted, and told him about how sometimes they would go looking for a screwdriver or something, and weeks later it would turn up in a lampshade or in a random draw.
I personaly don't know weather its true, but its sounds pretty convincing.
I guess ghosts are one of those things that science nor logic can explain.