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Everything posted by DaiTrials
Right, Its come down to 2 bikes after hearing a lot of apinions. The Hoffman Rythm PL1 and the WeThePeople Thrillseeker. It has to be one of those 2, so can the experts please compare them, and find the cheapest prices and post your results, thnx, Oh yeah, and not to take my tirals habits across to bmx, but which is lighter, lol Dai
Hey all, I've just managed to save up more money than I thought I would, and my exams will soon over, so ....... After finnishing specing my Echo Control there is a bit left in the bank. I'm gonna use it to get a bmx. I want to do Dirt Jump and Street and I was wondering if there were any trials rider who are also bmx'rz that could give me some advice on a bike that would be good for both!? I was looking at the hoffman Rhythm PL1 on www.alansbmx.com and was wondering if it would be suitable for both, theres also a nice Fly bikes Estampida on ebay. I'd like some sort of feeback on those two, and any othr suggestions please? Dai
Hey can you all post here what you think the best V-brake is for trials. and also the best lever and pads. I've been advised to get a single digit 7, with the digit 7 lever, and jagwire pads. If anyone has a better combination I should conside let me know. Dai
looks like me and sweet are gonna be there, although i have no idea what time, mainly because i need a go on an echo control before i buy one. Dai
The best answers already been posted, im gonna 2nd that. or 3rd it even .... Hit it down, not up !! You'll break the seal and it'll be loose. Seat posts are thicker towards the bottom so by hitting it down, you stand a far greater chance of loosening it, once its loose it'll twist out so easily with a bit more greease, or wd 40 to make sure
Yeah, but back in the day it was less expensive and people wernt nearly as good. Im thinking of buying an echo control, and even though the wheelbase with those forks is 1065, wit other forks it can range from 1020 ( straight ) to over 1100, which i couldnt handle. I want to get this bike right .... So if someone could tell me the rake, or forward, or angle on the fatty R forks I'd be happy. If ur gonna flame me, or call me petty, just dont respond
Hey, the wheelbase for the new echo contorls is given below bassed on geometry of echo forks, Geometry (400mm fork blade with 45mm forward, 10mm bottom head set): Wheel base: 1085mm (size Large) or 1065mm (size small) does anyone know the geometry of the fatty R forks? and can anyone be bothered to work out the the new wheelbases with that fork. Dai
adam, add me to msn, daihowells68@hotmail.com just done some scale drawings, my ashton has a 700 mm "reach", and the echo 1085 will have a 720 mm "reach" the wheelbase is 65 mm longer, but the bar positioning only 20mm longer the headangle accounts for 33mm of the shortening affect ( shocking ) and the 20mm bb rise for the other 11mm you may also be interested to know there is a 15 mm height diffrence at the points where the stem joins, assuming that the headtube lenghts are the same, which im unsure of, so basically, the "feel" of a 1085 echo will be 20mm futher forward and 15mm lower, quite small, considering a 65 mm longer wheelbase.
Hold on, so the zoo pushes the fork , not the ashton - got you. oops But in reality, 3 degree headtube angel does not make a bike 45 mm longer wheelbase, So shouldnt the ashton still feel shorter ?
ok, but that diagram shows the ashton with a longer wheelbase, if you re-draw it acuratly with the echo haveing the longer wheelbase, then the position of the headtube on the echo has to move forward and so the reach line becomes longer than that on the ashton :- confused !?
Come on then, the diargram would be awsome, and if u cane be bothered, do the maths for me, and tell me what stem to go for to make it feel similar.
But it dosnt ride shorter, it feels longer? thats whats confusing. echo and zoo feel shorter, even though the bars are futher from ur feet :-
Right ... I've craked my ashton justice, but I love the feel of it. Im getting an echo control but im not sure weather to get the 1065 or 1085, ive ridden a 1065 zoo and it somehow feels shorter than my bike which has a tiny wheelbase of 1020. Some people say its the +10mm bb raise, others say its my long brisa stem. I measured the stem and its only 110. The new control had a +20 mm rise. basically, I want to know what stem to put on, so I can have a nice long 1085 Echo control and it not feel too long. I thought a 100mm Hope stem, but that has less rise, which is also likely to change the feel of the bike. Im not really that concerned about how it feels, but I dont want somthing that feels completely diffrent. I do want somthing that Is more "correct" for trials in terms of how profesionals set up their bikes to get the most out of them! Dai
Hey Niall. Im still up 4 bristol tomorrow, I dont mind the train, cant really drive - my car got broken in last time, f**k that - No ones gonna Do my MG ZR over !! And, mike ... no rocks, get to bristol u bum !!
Hey guys, sunday may be off. The chanel tunnel is shut for some reason ( maintinance ) go to www.nationalrail.co.uk and have a look So that gives me and naill ( and anyone else from wales ) not much chance of getting to bristol. Only option is a 3 hr journey via gloster ?? Naill - what u think ?? Dai
I'll definatly go for the hognesium pedals and tensile cranks, but i need more info on tyres, isnt there another tyre as good as the hot S in black ?? their 680g, so im prepared to have anything up to 900g on the back, so long as i can get a 500g tyre for the front. ALSO WHAT THICKNESSES DO YOU RUN FRONT AND BACK GUYS ??
I love my hitch hot S but the problem is their red, and they wont look good on my new setup, u can get them in black ive seen but the weight soed from 640g to 1100g cos the tyres different, arggggg
Hey, now that im getting a new frame, my bikes gonna be hevier, and since im a weight freak a bit I was wondering if anyone could suggest what parts i can get. The folloing things I need to replace due to age/damage, so can people suggest some good replacement parts that are also lighter ?? Cranks - Middleburn RS7 Pro trials 2004 Tyres - Mich Hot S Peadals - V12 Posibly Bar/Stem - Brisa Bare in mind i need either a 18 or 20 T on the crankset Thankys Guys, Dai
Yeah, can only make the sunday. Come on guys make it sunday, or ride both !! I got work saturday :ermm:
No offence, theres two of us in tension seekerz vid, james sweet is 16 and also used to ride an ashton, so maybe you mean him. I myself am bang on 20 - good guess! keep downloading people
Hey all, I havent ridden bristol in a while ... So the rides on for sunday So far Myself, Jimbo, Niall and Fat Mike are on board, anyone else care to join us ?? Dai :ermm:
Hey guys, After discovering a crack in my ashton justice frame (Y) I decided to make a video out of some random recent riding before I get a new frame. Here's the link, I'd say it turned out well ... http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-tria...lls_justice.mpg FatMikes gonna shack it for me now and put a link below. Thanks mike :) Tension seekerz vid 5 on the way too (N) Edit: It's up on trials shack now thanks to mike http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/fatmike/davi...lls_justice.mpg
Hey guys, I cracked my ashton ;) and although i will ride it till its dead, im gonna need to get a new frame :D ... I was wondering if theres a site where they list frame weights, wheelbase, bb height , etc, etc .... so i can find something quite similar. My bikes a good weight and length for me. I could deal with a bit longer, but not much cos im short. There arnt many really good short riders out there, but if your one of them, any advice ?? Also i dont want my bike to be heavier, but i could make up for that in tyres, cranks, which need changing. any sites for weight, specs on these too ??? Dai
You cant smell summer yet but it is coming. I thought maybe everyone could put their efforts in and list any big rides or events that they know of that are street orientated, and that will be happening this summer. Nows the time to mention i've heared the notion of a trials weekend floating around, and I love the idea. The number of people who turned up on that bristol ride was huge, too bad the weather didn't hold out. If that number of people turn up to a full weekend of riding then it would be amazing, dont you think? Everyone could also use this topic to list any road trip plans or locational rides they have planned, and maybe people could also list places they'd like to ride this summer and maybe some locals can help them out. I for one want to ride the isle of whight for some strange reason, and the hole middlands of england where i've never been ( stupid wales ) Dai