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Everything posted by DaiTrials

  1. DaiTrials


    From the album: UK24

  2. Some prices and where to buy them would be good too. And yes, your right, it's because im lazy!
  3. Hey all, I need some advice to buy something i havent bought for about 2 years .... That right kids, I'm gonna buy a seat! ... and a seat post. So im looking for advice, I need a nice light seat post and seat. Light is most important. but I am gonna sit on it now and then, lol. Seat post must be 31.6 So what you all running, or what can you advise. Is for my new 24" Dai
  4. No-one? Payed for tickets now, and looks like rain, someone come out ... please
  5. Hey, me and two freinds from the small town of Neath, South Wales. will be coming to ride bristol this sunday. We havent ridden for a while, so we're gonna be quite pants, but we were hoping some locals may be out. Jimbo, Rowan, matt, chi ? anyone out this sat ? Dai PS - I promiss I wont get drunk
  6. DaiTrials


    hey i'm looking for a nice stem, it has to be 20 or 25 degree rise, preferably 20. It has to be 90mm or 100mm preferably 100mm, and it has to have a standard clamp, NOT oversized. any sugestions? is for my new 24" you see.
  7. I was thinking about what i would do if I was completely loaded beond bilief ye, So I was wondering what the first thing i'd do apon becoming a millionair, and what i thought I'd do is jump online, order a top notch 20" and 24" to go with my 26" and then go out and ride. then that night i thought maybe I'd go out for a drink or go watch a film, i can aford anything, but no wait, I can do whatever I want, So i'd ride! Then after i was completely spent id go home to bed and fall asleep, then when i got up next day, I'd think, wow im loaded, I can do anything I want .... so do you know what id do? Thats right kids, I' ride ..... and so the pattern continues .... Is this normal?
  8. What stem u got john? and how many spacers do you use? so i can test it out
  9. Guys, your answrs were awsome, but the main point i wanted to raise was that my forks have been cut, so my stearer tube is quite short, way to short to be able to get some spacers under the stem what can i do to compensate for that, any idea what stem/bar combo may do the trick?
  10. I'll be building up a nice new UK24 soon, when they come out of course, and the thing thats worrying me is this .... even though the geometry is spot on the ashton, the main thing that giveas you a nice "feel" to the bike is in the controls, stem stackers, bars and stem... Now seen as though my forks have been cut, I dont think i'll be able to put any stem stackers on, so my question is this ( once again aimed to the proffesional opinion of the likes of Mr.Shrewbury ) What am I gonna have to do to get the bars in a tidy position? Ie - whats the largest riser bars you can get, what sort of stem rise should i get? Every nice riding 24" bike has had a few stem stackers , a slight rise in the stem and a masive 3" rise in the bars, thats what feels nice. If I cant fit any stem stackers on, what bar and stem combo am I gonna have to get for it all to feel right? At the end of the day its up to personal oppinion, but if the bike dossnt feel like the nice ones ive been on i'll cry. because i went on someones with a really low bar possition, and it was horrible to ride, at the same time though, I fear if i go out and buy the largest rise stem and the largest rise bars i can find then I might over do it! Finally, what size haveyou all cut ur bars down too? On my street bike now i ride a 30 degree rise stem 70mm, azonic 1.5 inch riser bars cut down to 26 inch, what have you guys got on your amazing 24" set ups?
  11. For a truly amazing effect you might consider silver instead of white. what you do is stip all the paint off and sand the frame down so its just the bare metal, now polish it up nice and shinny where u want the sticker. Print out your ZONA stickers in your favorite font, and cut them out onto thick sticky back plastic. now make another copy and layer it ontop. Spray your frame, 2 layers of a dark primer, and 3 layers of black. when its been dry for over a day after the last layer of paint, put a hair dryer over the area you put stickers, and peel them off. Now you will have a black frame, with stunning polished silver lettering, it worked a treat on my ashton, Look ... http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=72171 And i think my custom name is quite sweet too
  12. I think you got it in one there mate, i have a 115 length bb! I had thought of this myself already, but am really cuious about it? One of the longest BB's ive seen is the echo at 130mm, so we get an extra 15mm, thats 7.5 on each side! Is 7.5mm really gonna make a diffrence on my gear changing?? If someone can convince me that it will then great, but im not gonna splash out around £80+ to match my nice Ti BB unless i can be sure it will get rid of my gear problem
  13. All the stuff is brand new, and set up profesionally, i am a bike mechanic by trade. it seems more like its not compatible, but it should be its like the shifter isnt pulling the right amount of cable through. the mech dosent move the amount it should, but everything is 8spd, so why not?
  14. ok, this is going the wrong way. I work in a bike shop, the 6 gears are on, the ajustment screws are perfect, i got it shifting on 6 cogs. how can i put this ...... everythings in line, and it is set up perfect, in a bike stand theay all change PERFECTLY, i know what im doing ....... but ...... when i ride it they are changing really poorly, i think either the 8 spd kmc chains a bit thick, or there isnt a good line with my front cog, I was more intrested to hear if anyones had a similar problem or if anyones got a real good setup on the new hope hub, no affence, but if i cant get it to run in person, no advise in words on here is going to help, i know how it all works thanks, have done for about 10 years
  15. whats with the water? is it like drag it to heat up, then water to cool it down and set it?
  16. Ive already done that bit, lol. thats what im asking? i have made it into 6 speed with 8 speed spacing, but it dossnt work. anyone?
  17. DaiTrials

    Avid Bb7

    Hey, ive ridden a few bikes with an avid ball bearing 7 disc brake and they were amazing, i've set mine up and its really crap, what have you all done to make it work so well, pads? adjustment? help
  18. Ok, I have the new hope pro trials 2 hub on the rear and was wondering if anyone has had any gear problems, It is 6 speed, but the spacers between my cogs are 8 spd spacers. so i have an 8 spd shifter and an 8 speed mech, 8spd spacers, shouldnt it all work? but it dosnt, I really want gears cos i ride street. has anyone found a good stup for this hub yet? or can anyone tell me whats wrng with my setup? Dai
  19. To be 100% honest this bike exists because i cant resist a bargain, and my echo is to long for some street stuff, but what do you think, its very custom
  20. DaiTrials


  21. DaiTrials


    From the album: ashton

  22. DaiTrials


    From the album: ashton

  23. your online less than a bt 56k dial up, how am i ment to catch you, lol
  24. Whats this 24" frame you've been riding then? It's lush. whats it called? whens it out? Whats it made from? and where can i get one? A spec would be nice too, and how come you can ride anything? I think you should give me the bike, cos it will help my riding and you'll still be able to do stuff on a tesco trolly
  25. OK SO I CANT SPELL, but i got a maths degree so i dont care!
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