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About DaiTrials

  • Birthday 07/26/1984

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  • Real Name
    David Howells
  • Bike Ridden
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    Inspired arcade!
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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    Bristol, UK

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Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Thank you both, I'm gonna up my pressures to about 45-50 rear and 40-45 front next time I go out! I'm gonna put the bars back so that the inspired logo is centred, that equates to the upsweep lining up with the head angle... was wondering if that logo that was intentionally placed for alignment, guess it was Finally, I agree there should be not split link also and glad someone else thinks the same, but inspired sent the bike out with a split link and the chain cut to length... So what do I do? Trust the split link, buy a new chain? Could justify it if there is an even better chain maybe? Or can I salvage a few z610 excess chain links from someone on here on the forum? So... Whose riding Bristol then?
  2. Hi all, Got my Inspired Arcade yesterday and already think it's magnificent... Here are a couple of pictures, but it's pretty standard! I have a couple of questions if anyone can give advice (I guess this is directed at Ali C or Ben Travis or anyone who actually rides one) 1) Tyre Pressure: Pinch Flated on day 1 running 30 PSI, but the ride felt good... went out today running 40 rear and 36 front, and it felt a little to hard on the rear and made front wheel stuff really hard, but I'm still getting used to it. What kind of pressures do the 24" crowd run? 2) Bar position: So on the tarty bikes website the bars are pictured with the initial sweep straight up. This felt horrible to me, so I set it up with the bars much more forward like a traditional trial setup with the final sweep at the ends more up. However like that the front end didn't come up as well. I've settled on something in the middle (with the inspired logo about half way between cenetered in the stem and the bottom of the visible area - if you have this bike) This feels, too far back to me still but I'm forcing myself to adjust to it as I'm guessing that's how it should be ridden. Also I'm 5ft 8' I'd that makes a difference!? 3) Split Link: Only ever had a chain snap once and it was at the split link it went. With the Z610 being a very strong chain, is the split link now the weakest point, can the one provided live up to trials? Or should I rivet the chain? Thanks for any help in advance. David Ps - Expect a video soon, but don't expect it to be any good after only riding 4 times in the last 4 years. Anyone wants to ride Bristol next month PM me, I'm busy for the remainder of September, but from October 4th / 5th ish onwards I'm gonna be dead keen to ride as much as possible (Bristol, Bath, Cardiff, Porthcawl or anywhere near)
  3. Thanks to everyone that helped me decide. Just to confirm, I got approved for interest free finance on the inspired arcade through FreeFlow bikes today. £200 deposit and 36 payments of £50. Sorted! Will post pics soon, and hopefully eventually a vid
  4. Yeah, it's just a matter of time and money! Probably on interest free from freeflow next week!
  5. I don't really want to get involved here but... 1) This has nothing to do with the original topic. I'm trying to buy a bike not start a war. 2) People on this forum, don't dislike you and give you a hard time because your Russian. People on this forum are giving you a hard time because you are a dick! 3) People in the UK ARE intellectually an emotionally intelligent enough to formulate their own opinions about what is going on in the world 4) I personally don't think it matters where you you come from, or what your religion is, but people like yourself, who from just one forum thread I would confidently describe as strongly opinionated, emotionally unstable and deluded, who can't control their anger to the degree where they are ranting about war/military/political topics on a bicycle forum are themselves the very reason why conflict like this exists in the world. 5) Chill the f**k out! PS - If you are going to start firing political debate at the original poster, then there is only one question you should really ask... Did you know that a plane has never been shot down over UK airspace?
  6. I did have a hop on for literally 10 or 20 seconds but I didn't absorb much info. Part of me thinks just go for it and you'll get used to it. Because I've had literally 2 years of not even riding a bike, I'll likely be re-learning everything anyways... In other news... I found a king of dunce V3 pro light brand new for 1350 which I believe is about £1100... Since I'm only just starting back, could this be a better deal for me? Will be an import of course... Also, I can't believe that free flow will do 15% of rrp either. I think if tarty could do say 10% I'd pay more to get it from tarty due to rep and previous order history / positive feedback / experience. But for 15% which will be damn near £300 in this case I simply have to give free flow a whirl if I go for the arcade. 6 days countdown to the interest free finance decision...
  7. Just to clarify with free flow it's 0% finance on full retail price! OR Pay it all in one lump sun and they will do 15% off Sounds like there isn't a better deal either way. I did e-mail tarty to see if they could do 0% but I didn't get a response The other though of mine is that if a lot of the parts are hope, and non inspired, all the retailers or inspired themselves should be allowing the guy that's spending £1989 to customise the bike a little bit in terms of colour choice, like hubs, rims, brakes, grips, etc It's just a matter of time now. Freeflow aren't offering finance until the 8th August and I don't get a juicy enough pay check to buy outright until mid September. I sold my bike one day to late to buy dave trials hex at an awesome price for an in between ride... And like you guys have said, chance of an arcade coming up second hand are really low and if expect to pay £1200 probably even second hand at this stage!
  8. Thanks for all the advice and suggestions. Following all that and some other research I am now leaning even more heavily towards the Inspired Arcade.... I found that you can save 15% of it's price tag by purchasing it through free flow bikes, or alternately you can also get 0% finance with them over two years with just a 10% deposit. 15% off the Arcade makes it £1690.65 I'm gonna probably go for it within the next two weeks but I'd be an idiot for not checking first... Can anyone find it cheaper or beat this price? Is there ANY chance at all of picking one up second hand? Maybe someone has bought one and hasn't got on with it, etc?
  9. So I'm gonna get another 24"

  10. Hello all, Been riding for something like 12 years and in my old age (just hit the big 30) I want something a bit ore of an all rounder, so I just sold my 26" mod stock and plan to Buy a 24" I've narrowed it down to the following 3 options: Inspired Skye Team Inspired Arcade Ozonys King of Dunce V3 pro Light In the past I have owned two 24" steads... namely a 1st generation UK24 and a first germination Inspired Foreplay. I don have a bmx background but I am leaning towards the Inspired arcade. My fav 24" was the UK24 and my build was just over 10kg. I myself am only just over 10 stone and only 5ft 7" tall and I don't think I've ever come close to breaking a frame (apart from a mk1 justice - in profile pic) I can't find to much info on the pro light v3 king of Dunce. In theory I like the idea of a slightly lighter 24 rig but I'm concerned with the regards to the build quality, the parts and how are for example the Magura mt6's and also how does a freewheel ride on a 24" street set up? My concern with the inspired arcade on the other hand is that it will feel 1) a bit heavy (coming off a sub 10kg 26" mod stock and 2) a bit too bmx like I'm looking to learn more spiny moves and foot jam tail whips, and I'd also like to ride some park! However I don't want to end up with a bike that feels difficult to ride my established moves like wheel swaps and even side hops so I'm trying to find the prefect balance. On my UK24 manuals were like a dream too, which I think is another important quality.... where as my inspired foreplay felt less natural (possible due partly to a short hope stem - yet stem stacked as high as possible) The money is not really an issue as I just got a new contract in work and can really go for anyone in the next month, however if the consensus is on the ozonys It would be nice to save money too - I've seen it advertised in a huge range from 1300 a 2000 so picking one up for not much over a £1000 compared to dropping £2000 on an Arcade does need to be offset. All said, help!?
  11. Still Haven't ridden since I moved my bike to Bristol! Is anyone riding over the weekend. Also, requested to join Bristol Trials Group on Face book about 3 weeks ago, and no-one has approved it. Is anyone here admin!? David Howells 07588 007706
  12. Sent a request to join this morning, can someone approve me... Riding this afternoon, heading down Lloyds/waterfront from Clifton then over to Cabot circus/that park that's awesome but I don't know then name of, lol Anyone fancy's it, call me on 07588 007706 - I will definately be out somewhere until i gets dark... or rains heavily (but hopefully not) David
  13. No I am not actually, can you send me a link? Also I am available to ride today now too anytime after 4pm if anyone is interested!?
  14. Hi all, Haven't ridden for over two years before last weekend. Bikes back in Bristol and have today and tonight off. If anyone wants to ride, my mobile is 07588 007706. David Ps - I'm in Clifton so can be bristol / bedminster / porters head! Where ever really... Looking to make some contacts to ride Bristol regularly too!
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