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Everything posted by andyb

  1. Went out earlier and abused my adamant bars and they stood up really well, which is much more than can be said for my arm. Andy
  2. The aztec rotors are pretty decent, had one a while back and it was really good. Andy
  3. Ive got an echo hifi low on my Adamant a2 which has the same bb rise as your zoo i think and its great, gives you some more room on the bike. Andy
  4. I just put my adamant bars on, they seem really nice although I aint abused them yet. Andy
  5. I reckon that the maguras will win, i can see the deng ones being fragile to be honest. Will decide when all the top riders have tried them and if they last then i will be surprised, can also see them being more money too. Andy
  6. CNC HS33 lever, best 25 quid i ever spent. Andy
  7. Typical that they bring out some ultra flat risers am soon as i get my new bars. Andy
  8. I dont bother mate, just ride until it snaps. Andy
  9. Not enough power and lasted no time at all. Just not worth it, the original pads work so well now there aint any point in getting aftermarket ones. Andy
  10. I would stick to original pads mate, worst thing i ever did was use ebc pads. Andy
  11. I would say try-all rims, so long as they are built well they are as strong as anything. Cue the abuse saying that they are rubbish! Andy
  12. Just invest in some revell pedals and your feet will never come off them. Wont matter if you have moon boots on they would still grip. Andy
  13. I am not sure about the bb7, i think you should soend the extra and get a juicy seven. I have the 07 one and it works the nuts. Andy
  14. Dont bleed a hope with water, as nearly everyone on the forum has said over the last week, im sure weve done this topic twice recently. Andy
  15. Apparently the echo pads are quite good, as the onza citrus are meant to be too. Andy
  16. I have the sprung dmr tensioner, even though i didnt really want it at first, but it works really well and ive never had a problem from it. Andy
  17. Hate to say it but i really dont like any of the zoo! parts. The only things i do like are the new 07 frames, now all that horrible cnc has gone. Andy
  18. My mate ordered his vinco framekit from there and had no problems but that is mega money and they probably put some effort in. They dont even seem to have half the new frames in anyway, how rubbish is that. I will only ever order from tarty, never let me down, and really helped out with sorting out what parts to get for my style of riding. Andy
  19. I dont bother with them myself, if you give the frame a proper smash an armourdillo wont help you. They only take slight knocks out. Andy
  20. I reckon that bike would look the nuts with a black rear wheel. Andy
  21. The shoes are expensive admittedly but are well worth it, they last me a year at least so its pretty good. As for helmets, im famed for not wearing one but the one i have for comps is a met, its very light but i find them all uncomfortable. Andy
  22. Try all shoes from Tartybikes mate. Would still reccomend ribo's though. Andy
  23. Firstly, your topic title says a1 and the post says a2, so which is it? Also, is it long or short, frame or complete bike? Then might be able to help. Andy
  24. I would reccomend koxx yellows on a medium to light grind, wont need any tar. But its a very individual thing. Andy
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