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Everything posted by andyb

  1. andyb

    My Zhi

    Cheers guys. Shame its gotta go, but im sure i wont regret it. Andy B
  2. andyb

    My Zhi

    Thought i would post this before i take everything off it in readiness for my new frame, ZHI frame is up for sale, see my thread in for sale for details. ANDY B
  3. Here they are, again quality been raped for the forum. Andy b
  4. Just a selection from tuesday, sorry about the quality. Featuring Dan Brooker and Zoltan the "Hungarian Ambassador".
  5. And it doesnt go well. Will post the rest of the pics from the ride when i get time, apologies for quality, had to fit in the download space.
  6. Bessell you can crash at mine in bognor if you want, then we could all ride bognor too. Speak to Dan B about it. Andy b
  7. Might be there, depends if i wake up in time. Andy
  8. Heres mine, they are chosen purely for comedy effect, third one is nothing to do with bikes apart from i took it at world superbikes last year and is my fave pic ever. sorry for poor quality but had to resize them. Andy
  9. Top riding there from chrissy wissy. Some more top pics in there john boy. Andy
  10. andyb

    My Zhi

    Best riding mod ive ever been on, get on with it well. Will post pics of my kot too when ive taken some. Andy
  11. andyb

    My Zhi

    Here is my zhi zm2 as seen in the recent felpham rocks topic. Its a total throw together of parts from my snapped aorta and what i had lying around in my garage. Although it does ride the absolute bollox. Andy
  12. Count me in, im picking dan walker up on the way. Andy
  13. andyb

    New Frame Time

    Cheers Buddy, looks like thats what im getting for sure now. Now to find some cash. Andy
  14. andyb

    New Frame Time

    Thankyou, that was the kind of reply i was after. Andy
  15. The way that double maggie is set up would mean that all four pistons move at different times! How shit. Im with ash, most modern discs have masses of hold, only the worlds best riders can push them to the limits. Andy
  16. andyb

    New Frame Time

    Well lets put it this way, i want a frame similar to my aorta but not made of cheese. Was just after some reviews of the ZM2 regards to how it lasts and how others rate its ride. You may think its a silly topic but i thought the whole idea of the forum was for people to give their views and ask opinions, if that annoys you then thats tough. All I wanted was a couple of reviews of said frame. Andy
  17. No because carbon cracks too easy. Andy
  18. andyb

    New Frame Time

    I was just after a general opinion on the frame, i know we all like different bikes but some input from people who have them would help. Maybe you should think that i might just be after a bit of info, instead of just slating me. Andy
  19. Er nope. Shall i call the authorities or will you go quietly? Andy
  20. andyb

    New Frame Time

    Im sticking to mods mate, just need a new frame, hence why i asked if anyone had ridden the ZHI ZM2. Andy
  21. andyb

    New Frame Time

    The zM2 is a mod. Sorry should have specified that, my bad. Andy
  22. Is it just cars or are bikes welcome too? Andy
  23. Well its time for a new frame due to the aorta giving up today. Was thinking about a zhi zm2, anyone got one and if so what are they like to ride. Any help appreciated. Andy
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