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Everything posted by DrEvil270183

  1. thats gotta be your best yet, just right length to make you want to watch it again, doesnt repeat itself too much, nice new stuff, nice super duper scary hugh stuff....defo one ill have on repeat for a week :-
  2. Cool, defo be there, got a feeling it will be rain dodging but see what happens. cya all there
  3. still doing hudds sunday at eleven, meeting around station...wait there until half past then move to some spots...who knows where the gap in Nadines vid is at 1min36secs... its hudds somewhere but never been before, defo want to check that out :- cyas all there
  4. is it meant to be crooked, straighten the letters out, look better...looks like the letters have been placed randomly together
  5. yeah sorry, meant to put paralyzed totally, if it was waist down then i would definatly choose live as there as load of stuff you can still do...basketball, track racing etc... i still cant decide :- just shows how much the sport means to alot of people
  6. Nothing... okay the weather can be annoying sometimes, injuries and breakages etc...an hardest of all, the months when you feel like you aint improving etc, -but isnt this all part of Trials..... -finding away to pay for broken parts, -recovering from injury an coming back an getting better, -keep riding when you feel shit, -forget the rain, get a grind, learn to set up mags perfectly, its all part of trial i like to think, if i didnt break stuff or need money for petrol to get places i wouldnt work half as much as i do now, trials is a reason you get a job, a reason to learn to drive as soon as your 17, a reason to learn new skills about fixing bikes etc :- plus when everything is going well its wicked, you meet loads of new people and its a fun sport that seems to be growing everyday
  7. we in hudds sunday, me, mike, james and kev, Dan is coming from york...he is bringing cam for his film, mike is bringing his for our film, an kenny is filming lol... going to be mad... so we meeting at 11 at station in hudds???!!??
  9. okay, its abit of a dodgy topic..but...if you were to fall badly, as in seriously badly when gapping 10ft high or something, would you rather die or be paralyzed for life? i know its a weird/controversial topic but i was thinking about it today, how much does life compared to biking mean to you.... would you rather be paralyzed and live knowing you cant bike or die... ? i havent decided yet..not sure why..shouldnt be that hard....
  10. everyone seems to run lower pressure at front than back...i run 15 at back and 30 int front.... i think it helps with bridges an i have only just started gapping to front wheel so dont notice high pressure there..
  11. he need to stop visiting greggs lol, i think you should go back to pashleys rosco, at least they lasted you two years...see how they cope with hooking :D
  12. cool, have to meet you in leeds or somewhere you can get to so i can show you way to wakefield etc.
  13. but you get passed the stage without quitting by riding feeling bored and shit but come out the otherside feeling better than ever, riding new places and doing new moves :ermm: thats the hard bit
  14. ill be there now, im pretty sure. an Rossi..you will never be at glen for half ten, not in a million years
  15. i got my front minion from work (halfords) choose middle one an got super tacky which is what i wanted..all 2ply though...with my discount i paid 18.95 or something...sweet
  16. WOW!! we live in morley!! get your self out with us, Morley is nice to ride if you know the right spots. and leeds this sunday, might do if Sam aint coming down, not sure yet. if she does, i might be out in leeds int afternoon depending on when she goes home :P
  17. i think march will be best, more planning for you and organisation, more time for us to plan, get places to stay...think Matts hospitality was pushed last time, we all defo owe him an his house mates lots more cake lol. think it will be easier on him if we found a b&b next time (Y)
  18. it looks nice but whats it got to do with you, your work etc...is there a concept at all...because uni an jobs will all ask why you have chosen that design, those fonts, those colours, etc. will you have an answer for them? is so then yeah, its cool
  19. i didnt know the had snapped til lee came an told us, by that time you had gone lol..we were off to bangor and saw you going other way. next time ask us lot, we had loads of weird spares...stems, bars, wheels lol Van was cool at 90, just didnt want to turn at all lol
  20. im blaming kev, i wasnt going to drink alot...was meant to find some ladies..but it went paired after nothing to eat since 11 and couple of bottle of jd with not much coke. after that, i could have been talking to anyone lol!!
  21. WHAT A WICKED WEEKEND!! indoor was mint, music a lil loud lol... that night was meant to be relaxing drink but me kev an mike drank 2 bottles of jd in about an hour...didnt hit me at first, got a bottle off ROSCO!!! an was chatting to JTM..before i knew it a couldnt move lol... ogwen was terrible til about 1..could ride properly at all, JTM was shocked i was up lol...then i cleared up an it was wicked place to ride. Bucky you tart, you went all way back to bangor for bars, i had some int van you could have used... then Rosco killed his forks..AGAIN... today was wet int morning but nice int afternoon with a reladed street ride. Cheers to Tom for indoor, and massive thanks to matt for have millions of drunk trials riders at his house an a smelly bunch the second night. WICKED. Matt, get the photo of Ali up, its classic...an bucky, Me van got 90 ont was home lol...thats it clocked out lol
  22. i like seven and ten, but you say these are afew of your concept/designs..can you explain afew of the concepts. alot of people can make stuff to look nice but have no concept behind it. i think it would be useful if you told us :P alot of my designs have pixels in which is why my site is "ilovesquares.com" i like designing with pixels in mind..i also use vector in illustrotor but decided to base my concept on pixels. my site aint finished yet but you get the idea.. just think it would be useful to know your concepts :P cheers dude
  23. distinctly average....hahahaha...kidding Lee, sweet vid that, love the sidehops, remember you starting them an wayne giving you tips..miles better now :ermm:
  24. tut tut, you dont ask for day off work...you pull a sicky!!
  25. my skill when laughing at his panda lol!!!!!
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