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Everything posted by DrEvil270183

  1. yeah, thats what a dock looks like
  2. he means mac OS10...you have something called a dock. you move cursor to bottom of screen an it appears with icons in so you can have desktop clear. you can just drag programs to and from it. like windows thing at bottom but nicer because the icon cursor is above enlarges and you can have it opaque, or left right top or bottom of screen...tis nice but not sure if available for pc
  3. hahahahahahhahahahaa....what a pieboy lol
  4. "you still at glen, be there in ten." half an hour later mike (leedstrials) arrived at the glen to ride lol
  5. we call em replaces, wheel swap to me is hopping ont to front wheel endo type style and then swapping to back wheel...like CLS an tunni do on rails. because you swap wheels, replace because you replace front wheel with back wheel...but i suppose you could swap those names for each move round an say same thing lol
  6. me an rossi think you should maybe take camera to sheff mike lol (Y)"
  7. lol, trying to organise a ride to france for 15/20 people all living around Britiain isnt an easy task is it. price changes are mad in august because all the little children leave school for 6 weeks an go on holiday.
  8. Cheers everyone!!! we try to make vids that are easy to watch, kinda thing you can whack on before riding, chill out too or watch just for sake of watching...not too long, not too short...we hope (Y) 1 an 2 were perfect, 3 went abit off but still nice and 4 is dead on again, hope you all enjoy, mikes shacking it when it can be done, Tim :)
  9. DrEvil270183


    can i have an invite please, hotmail is annoying me an my aol is donw (Y) t_atkinson1983@hotmail.com cheers very muchos
  10. i agree with what someone said, Ritchey WCS are better without gloves IMO, fatter so comfier...monty are thin an nice feel with gloves...both nice but monty killed my hands without gloves
  11. nice one mike, love them both...especially mt clown inpression in 4.5...classic you rock tart!!!
  12. crisp sarnie, butter both slices to keep all crisps in, open up bad, squash em all an pour on crumbs :) plain crisps or salt and vinegar
  13. remins me of Ali C style, perhap ali isnt as smooth but a similar style, almost chilled out but good. and Ali C alos does that same switch foot thing at end but off drops an stuff...mad
  14. But you still get wasted all weekend lol...hahahhahaha :D
  15. good point, i never thought about front freewheels lol...ah well...so long as you get them replaced or something similar its all good
  16. im big an fat lol, an my burns are over 2 years old lol, plus when i started i used to land on em alot :D
  17. burns have snapped yeah but surely not within a year? i dont know but i know tensiles seem to stap within the year..plus Will is only a littlw guy aint you, and hes not heavy..no crank should snap like that with so little abuse :)
  18. guy in wakefield snapped his too, hahaahaa...middleburns!!!
  19. june is best, august will be busy at Buithers and prices will double/triple to stay, ferry/tunnel etc...buthiers june, england in august...people will be able to get too at least one of th etrips :P
  20. some nice stuff, just too long and get boring towards end...i started skipping forward abit after 6mins (Y)
  21. when you buy a penny sweet (that dont exist anymore, all 2p sweets now) with a £100 note an tell shop keeper to keep the change.
  22. is that pazzaz bar an stem there i see? hows that ride, i was looking at toxin and wondered if the stem would make bike too high or not?
  23. you dont re-arrange work at halfords, you pull a sickie..simple as. ring up early as possible, ive been sick all night, think ive eaten something dodgy, jobs a good en. should be a good ride, wonder what the weather will do...lol
  24. june trip to france, month off for worlds etc..then month later when everyone has saved again lol..englans roadtrip...cool as hell then people can choose one or other if they cant make both, and england one can have more places... defo porthcawl, bristol, london....those threee are for sure...then others...see what happens. we were even thinking, miss out london, ride other places...then organise aday trip to london on train, save on parking etc...early train there, late train back..booked in advanced..would be pretty cheap. may be fance trip england trip london trip lol i just remember hibernation, wayne an dudes getting train to london.. save so much money on not using petrol and parking :(
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