yeah but you have to take travelling into account. birmingham or leeds straight to porthcawl and then riding would be shit cause everyone is so tired. most of the other places are quite close together so its not so bad. last year we drove to porthcawl, rode the evening and most of us were dead. next day rode porthcawl properly. and then on to bristol next morning. im not even going lol, but id suggest: -home or nass (depending on who is where etc, i know Danny M etc will be at nass.) sleep close by. -get up and drive to Porthcawl, ride chilled out. -porthcawl again making the most of it. sleep in porthcawl. -get up and drive to bristol, leave bristol latish and camp somewhere on way to hook woods. (service station like last year lol.) -get up and continue to hook woods (someone get them rung and get permission.) camp as close to london as possiblie. -get up and ride London from early, although ive heard its crap in the week cause all the business areas are open. leave london and head up north, all way if drivers can, or half way and camp. -leave from houses if drivers went all way, or set off from camp site to Manchester (Demo, Saturday) something based around that would be best idea, based on the last two years roadtrip ive been on with everyone.