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sam briggs-price

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Everything posted by sam briggs-price

  1. 1.Use tar 2.Get a grind 3.Change your pads then hopefully your brake should stop slipping Sam
  2. if it was me i would pay around 60 pounds but its to you if you want to buy them . sam
  3. Hi, I would suggest the monty 221ti or the 221pr, Or the new echo lite. This is because my friend has recently purchased a monty 221pr and i find it really easy to sidehop, bunnyhop and throw around where i want it. I would suggest it for competition use because it was designed for competing in natural events and it feels really responsive and easy to throw around compared to other bikes i have ridden. I would also suggest the echo lite 2008 because the reviews on them seem good and in my opinion it is a frame with good looks aswell as a frame that looks strong. Both the Echo and both the montys come in rear disk versions and i would highly reccomend both of the frames. Cheers. Sam
  4. Hi, After riding my friends monty 221pr and my other friends koxx monsterboy, Both with monty 221ti handlebars fitted, I feel that they are the nicest riding handlebars on the market for street riding at the moment. My reason for this is that when riding my other friends koxx levelboss with onza carbon flat handlebars and then the monty straight after i could bunnyhop/gap hop up higher obsticals. I also found it easier to sidehop the monty 221pr with monty 221ti handlebars. I hope this has been of help to you. Cheers. Sam
  5. Hi, The covers on mototrials disk brakes are plastic and are only there to stop the disk getting covered in mud as said in an earlier post. Having a plastic disk cover on a biketrials would be a very expensive and stupid idea. It would be expensive as every time you landed on it hard it would crack or snap meaning you would have to buy a new one every time you missed a sidehop. This is also the reason for it being a stupid idea, that and it wouldn't be the nicest thing to look at. Perhaps a metal one that attach's to the forks or axle/skewer would be a better idea as it would not break as easily when landed on. However i do still think it would not look nice and wouldn't use one on a biketrials. This idea could be developed further to suit other styles of biking such as downhill racing or cross country where there is quite often mud being flicked into rotors therefore contaminating pads. Cheers. Sam
  6. popping a magura cross overs i have really bad luck with back maguras . Sam
  7. i think that echo cnc cranks are stylish and there strong . Sam
  8. sam_briggsprice@hotmail.co.uk Sam
  9. i like notts but sheffield is quite popular . Sam
  10. ive heard this sunday there i supposed to be a comp in scunnthorpe town center i this true ???????????????
  11. i like your bit in the new mbuk magazine

  12. i have to say that , that is a very nice koxx xtp ! SaM
  13. i prefer not having a seat it better than having a seat like those poxy onza ones that hurt you arse . Sam
  14. im onli a starter and already my maguras are f***ing up and its pissing me off do i re blead them ????? Sam
  15. nice pics espescially the one with his front wheel on the column . Sam
  16. well mate i started on a t-bird and there a good bike to start on. and you can get them on ebay for the budget you wont . Sam
  17. for back freeweel an acs claw but if you change to front freeweel you should get an tensile they ar mint . Sam
  18. if thats what you want get one the ride SSSWWWEEEEETTT .... Sam
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