wtf? where did the term 'scene' come from? am i that old? you people are to gay to put into words. i've worn the same kind of clothes since i found out what skate shoes were, at about 12.
i always think its funny when people say 'it looks like it will snap'. how can anyone know until its ridden? i would ride both of those frames, no probs. i've been riding the t-mag since the london cycle show (9 months ago??) and thats still going strong.
ahhahaha. yearh, it starts with laughing gas..then the next second hes beating up chai. watching it again, i can't work out how your brake is so good for manuals yet holds up for massive rail gaps
holy shit. the guys 14, riding for FOUR WEEKS he was desperate for a clip of himself riding, so i sent it to him. agreed, hes picked a bad still to post, but theres just no need for it. you're all clearly homosexual. if not then your baaad people.
it was Chais first ride on the Aorta, and the first useage of my new camera. the results are shocking. edit!!1: look at the boobies while your there. edit!!2: its nearly 4 minutes.