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Everything posted by Rafal

  1. 5:02 WTF? his ass is almost lower than bike great video, very nice editing, and cool pivot drop gap to 2 wheel
  2. Guano Apes - You can't stop me
  3. i'm blind cause that white flash in every clip...
  4. My friend's new video http://vimeo.com/1944710
  5. Hello, I met yesterday Javi Alonso from Spain. He studys in Poland this year 30km near my city so we're gonna ride often together Great rider! and funny guy. Hope you like the video. http://www.vimeo.com/1947023 tv.isg.si --> chorzow_movie5.wmv
  6. Give him a chance cause he's been ridden since jan 2007. Little powerful beast
  7. Albino Slig: first song is Tycho - Systems Chimpanzyyyy: Yes, that was Sebastian:) Hes really good rider. Guy with yellow fluo rims is Pawel Reczek ( Polish koxx distributor, my sponsor ) He's stylish as feck
  8. some extra footage from "wawa vs katowice3" BONUS 1 16min, 237mb BONUS 2 10min, 154mb
  9. that was...crap... music, fish eye, curbs, gaps and sidehops only, it;s not trials
  10. good, but not that good as your older remixes...
  11. "YES yes YES yes" terrible... but riding was good. 26" suits better to you
  12. it wasnt snapped crank. It was 2 years old bottom bracket snapped in the middle and surprisingly still kept on bearings.
  13. http://videos.observedtrials.net/hosted/wa..._katowice_3.wmv you dont know why i put it into vid cause you probably didnt watch wawa vs katowice 1
  14. riding for year and make 18 videos... that's something
  15. wawa is the shorter name of capital city (warsaw-warszawa) ps. can someone upload it on tv.isg.si? my transfer is too low
  16. That teady bear belongs to my ex g-slut. Hope she'll find that vid
  17. Hi there, a little late about this video but I had some problems like broken camera, unsatisfied clips etc But now i present you 30min of our summer riding Riders: Michal Nowak, Rafal Pisarski, Rafal Kumorowski, Michal Wrzosek 30mins, 440mb http://www.vimeo.com/1722886 http://videos.observedtrials.net/hosted/wa..._katowice_3.wmv Thanks to Matt for hosting Enjoy, Pisanka
  18. 192cm, 100kg He ride too easy and smooth to impressed me anymore
  19. Rafal Kumorowski and Reczek's brothers live near Krakow... Krakow is one of the best place for trialsrider. Rocks in centre of town ( little trialpark ). I ride there quite often. Next time tell us you'll be there... Polish forum
  20. Hello, i just finished a video of my friend Pawel. He's from Slubice. 17 yr old. Has some power for sure. http://www.vimeo.com/1574424 5:55mins, 84mb
  21. I always wonder why people don't read youtube's comments before they write a post ;-) The Crystal Method - Keep hope alive
  22. much more watchable/enjoyable than these all neil/damon/swindle videos. I always like your style and creativity. If you ask me what's better mod or stock i say stock definately. waiting for next video.
  23. place: Szklarska Poreba (Poland) photos by: Michal Nowak "Lucky" rider: Rafal Pisarski "pisanka" Hope you like it www.koxx.pl
  24. This guy in yellow t shirt is Karol Serwin. Rafal couldnt came up cause he felt in Knokke and has 28 stitches on his leg
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