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Everything posted by Rafal

  1. yes, 26". Thanks Adam! one more thing, i ordered these new rims with squares. 1mm higher ERD make difference? (544 old, 545 new)
  2. Hi, i'm waiting for try all front hub 28H (that 100g) and try all 28h rim. Anyone have the same set? I would like to know what length of spokes should i buy. disc side - 3 cross lacing right side - radial or 3 cross ( i dont know what will be better, give me some advice and your conf, thanks) cheers, pisanka
  3. this is one of the reasons http://www.spanish-fiestas.com/mallorca/weather.htm http://www.kyero.com/weather/55563-mallorca-weather wish i had that good weather all year...
  4. 150cm tap in that age?! WTF how old is he?! wheelswap on rail amazed me too! really watchable TGS
  5. half year ago i ordered coust v2 frame and day after tra made an amazing video on coust. now my hydroxx 09 is on the way and you're showing me something like this... God loves me ;-) This video is my inspiration to ride! Thank you!
  6. nice gap at the end. What's that rear tire?
  7. i have a question to editor. These clips are from one show or sequences of shows in one day? the riding is HUGE as for show and i quess everything have done in first try. If it's one show im shocked ps. Hermance has got new higher stem, wonder what spec, anyone knows?
  8. Rafal

    Ptc Rafal 2008

    u made my day that what you see on the vid is the final of many of tries. Hermance machine could do EVERYTHING from that video in first try ps. i forgot to mension i cant ride rocks, weight 100kg and tired really quick on sections. I prefer independent no stressful competitions. Thanks for comments guys, really appreciated That sport is expensive too. I barely make money for new parts if something's broke. Cant imagine flying in europe. It would be good to have sponsor hehe
  9. Rafal

    Ptc Rafal 2008

    Cuban Link And Fat Joe - Why me? (instrumental) Thanks for comments
  10. Rafal

    Ptc Rafal 2008

    As always at the end of year trying to make a dynamic vid --> http://vimeo.com/2281817 3:26mins, 49mbs greets, pisanka
  11. try to do wheelswaps in other way and will be good:) Right pedal out of wall, left pedal close. Hard to explain for me cause my english is poor but hope u understand
  12. my mate's bought some new stuff to his KO http://img512.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snc00210zr7.jpg http://img512.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snc00211kb5.jpg http://img146.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snc00217dd7.jpg
  13. Rafal

    Some Monty Rider

    man, he did 1,39 on that video to back wheel! i'm not talking about sidehop to both
  14. Rafal

    Some Monty Rider

    sick vid but editing is crap to back wheel? i dont think so
  15. you've always been known in my country as that martin without helmet... Nice vids
  16. What's wrong with that distance...? i think it cant be better than this. Crazyman: make copy of that with booster like yours and it'll be perfect http://www.heatsinkbikes.com/content/VA3/sidehigh800.jpg http://www.heatsinkbikes.com/content/VA3/vertmount800.jpg
  17. Great music and smooth riding. What happened to Robert Janson? He was very good rider. Especially like that vid
  18. Rafal

    Ptc All Saints Day

    lucky lives 350km far then me so we meet not so often btw he sold the bike right now
  19. Our new video http://vimeo.com/2128839 riding Javi Alonso, Pisanka, Kosimazaki 7:30mins, 109mb
  20. look at that! beautiful guy in orange t-shirt is pretty good. Who is this?
  21. Rafal

    Wolf Man

    best vid ive ever seen
  22. fish-eye clips are unwatchable. Rest is cool. Especially zoo pitbull guy. Music does not suit well.
  23. monty part: great music ( what is that?) and monster on the bike! 18 years old and 9pallets 1/2 pedal
  24. bench sitting, banana, peugeot and reverse scenes made me a lot of laugh but that cheated 210cm not at all
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