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Blacklisted Trader
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About echo_rob

Contact Methods

  • MSN

Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    rob sherwood
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Adamant A1 short, king classic, echo stem, zoo! bars, echo controls, etc etc
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    trials, trials, trials, trials, trials and moto-trials
  • Location

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echo_rob's Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. hi mate i cant remember who you are sorry did we ride some where before ?

  2. hey there dave,

    Getting riding again now so if you could send a quick text that would be great!


    Thanks mate


  3. hi rob my mum ordered me some tensile offset mounts then realised the website was down due to lack of buisness will i still reiceve the mounts o will she be refunded

    cheers tom

  4. If Dansta1991 changes mind about front brake i'll have it

  5. is it the new type

  6. i will have your hope

  7. I would build it for you, if you lived anywhere close lol
  8. no you nob because there is nothing around here. Ill ride some natural with you one day but Ill drive there. thanks
  9. what a shit video! where was toni bou???? haha joking jim
  10. ill have the cnc'd backings for £5 mate :)

  11. ok then boys so thats 11 outside the train station on wednesday! thanks rob
  12. ok then dudes, send me your phone numbers if you like and ill give you all a call, mine is 07717508427 thanks rob
  13. shall we say a nice ride then, on what day? just skipton riding or what? Thanks rob
  14. Hey there, Coming up to skipton for a week on the 3rd aug, anyone riding??? Will be bringing bike, im a fairly good rider but just need to ride and someone to show me the places to ride there!! Thanks rob
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