read below pm me if your interested, i can get pics for you, if i dont reply straight away its cuz im at work, but i will reply at some point, prob looking for £280 o.n.o cheers ben g
dunno, but you preload by crouching i think and using your arms legs and rest of your boday and bike as a spring, more than likely using your hips aswell for sideways movements. dont worry about it, cuz you'll naturally learn it as you progress an can learn by watching better/more experienced riders
there athletic so there probably toned and strong, being big doesnt necesarilly mean that your strong, but going to a gym might help if thats the way your body adapts best, it is however different for every individual! FACT btw if there the top riders then kenny belaey an keito an vincent hermance an cesar canas, and many more are what exactly?
yep true so so kool they also look beefy/strong, but yeah that click, music to my ears, tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick u get tha idea!!! B
s**t happens, but at the end of the day for peeps getting back in2 the sport its always good when little spoilt posh boys wanna sell there bikes and components cheap, esp as peeps that have been in the sport before probably know more whats good than complete beginners, so spoilt kids bad, but advantages from it for the rest of us when they cant ride
hasnt ne1 seen leaps an bounds where vincents in a comp, he hooks on a rock but knows he cant make it properly so hops back off so he can try again (although come to think of it, it may have been 1 of the cousts)which is my point that its better to on/off if its your chance 2 have a 2nd go at it instead of 5ing, although i agree that its not made if you cant hold it, just thinking from another perspective
XTR 4tw everytime, so much better, just get petter pads, maybe cables too. with a plaz on 1 side an reds or something similar the other side (hans rey set up i do believe) B
sexual awesome urghhhh onza, standard with reflectors, take of the stickers put on wider bars, better cranks, instantly 10 times better (like a coust copy) sweet as
don't really care personally, but in a comp if you on/off then its not so bad you just get to try it again without having made a dab:) oh yeah god of sides: cesar canas
i dont think theres a most mods gear, its personal pref, i had 16/12 on my mod an on his bike its probably easier an cheaper to go 22 and whatever gear? on the back
its probably abit of both really, i expect (looking at your bike) a higher gear would help, maybe 22/18 or 16/14, and learning technique by watching more experienced riders, just my opinion though, Ben G WST
true, but magura hs33s that year arent trials specific, only current models are designed specifically for trials use (says on the box an also says not for downhill use, lol)