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Everything posted by gianttrials

  1. theyre so old they think they pay taxes for the whole country, most even think we should respect them even though they dont respect us? an i say respect where respects due
  2. it set to singlespeed an could put a green magura on't bk (needs a bleed though)
  3. broken helmet, pull muscles from refelex reaction, but no bruising, haahahaha im a lucky git
  4. yes 26" pic: £280 o.n.o PM or e-mail me for more info cheers ben g
  5. suprisingly not, i must be very lucky, WEAR ME HELMET!!!!
  6. dont worry i think i got it to, lol we gotta ride soon, damn weather
  7. put in trials bike in the search part and then you just gotta work through the pages (will show mototrials bikes an other bits an bobs aswell as biketrial bikes)
  8. craked/snapped 4 frames snapped 1 stem snapped 2 handlebars snapped 8+ chains atleast all over the space of 11 years
  9. what you saying luke, ur a utter freak on the mend? lol whats crank flips gotta do with it? im a lefty leftys are bestest, lol (only kidding)
  10. i got a cheapy but best is probably park tool splitter with big blue handle
  11. wheels tyres innertubes rim tapes cassette/sprocket chain bottom bracket cranks bashguard sprocket frame forks headset stem handlebars star nut/headlock grips brakes maybe a booster quick release/fun bolts pedals thats about it............
  12. wear shin pads then, dont moan about it, my worst fears while riding: chain snap stem snap frame snap handlebar snap all have happened to me in the past, might happen in the future aswell, but thats life so no worries
  13. hahaha me an a m8 had some oldys saying the same thing "we pay are taxes for that wall", are reply "so do we" they didnt appreciate that, an they were bloody tourists
  14. y get a t-rex when you have so many more options of other much better bikes, esp if the guys got £900+ to spend
  15. yeah but people aren't that dumb, if he rode a mod you could understand. i think anyone getting into biking whatever discipline they choose is cool, and they may eventually wanna start trials (if they dont already) which is a good thing to. anyway hardly anyone starts out trials first of. i bet atleast 95% of the forum started just riding there bike or doing another discipline first before starting trials
  16. y? he obviously wants a mod. yep quality frame good on natural an ace on street, just look at some cls vids on youtube (doing mainly street but some natural aswell) only disadvantage for natural- you cant fit a bash plaet, but still worth every £
  17. please for the love of god dont get an onza t-rex, try out some different bikes mod an stock to see what you like most, and consider 2nd hand (if from someone you trust/with a good history of the bike) for £600 you should be able to pic up something decent 2nd hand, or for more new, i reccomend going for any of the deng frames (they're very popular an have a good reputation) gu, zoo!, echo, adamant, all good bikes. or for that money you could build your own spec from scratch (much more fun ) anyways get yourself a bike an go ride
  18. thats nice? i work in a gym, and have to say that power training will help, a fine example is beau, genetics is a big part of it, muscle fibre (fast an slow twitch) make a big difference to what you are capable of and is individual to each person, so if you wanna go to the gym an ride or just ride then do whatever u want, unless your pro and might be sensible to do gym work, CV interval type training as well as resistance training (not all about body building)
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