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About gianttrials

  • Birthday 12/16/1982

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  • Real Name
    Ben Gray
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    zoo! pitbull '05 short, avid ultimate v rr with coust pads, giant team forks, raceface stem/headset, zoo! bars, old avid sd7 levers, maxxis tyres, avid bb5 fr disc, onza/alex rims, old silent clutch rr hub
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    biketrials, martial arts and just having fun
  • Location
    weston super mare, north somerset

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Trials King (4/9)



  1. dude that is some v tidy work goin on in ur ear, i'm liking the punch btw(or waz it a stretch, which i'd imagine wld absolutely kill lol) on the update front for piercings unfortunately my apadrvya is no more , but i hav my lip pierced now, an still have 2 in my frenum ladder an planning another 3 more lol, i also had my tongue pierced horizontally, but cldnt eat properly, so it had 2 come out , it waz v kool though
  2. m8 it could be a keloid, if it is an alcohol wipe shld help clear it, but best 2 get advice from ur body piercer
  3. hows bout swapping my giant forks with v mounts 4 the disc mount urbans u hav? let me kno m8 x
  4. dissapointing man, looks nasty i'm afraid dude
  5. shouldn't hurt much at all, just a second or so, my advice would be to say u can't take it out an say u have a minor infection, (even if u don't) , so if u take it out an the infection heals inside u can get septisemia (blood poisoning) and they wouldn't wanna be responsible 4 that (as people can die from it (in extreme cases)
  6. cheers m8 look forward 2 it just mind the other 1 (apadravya) nope not at all, planning a ladder soon no can do on the down belows, but there are pics in this thread of my staples in my arm an behind my ear, an my tragus but surely thats his choice, maybe he thinks its cool, maybe there's things about u people may think is ridiculous
  7. its not an in thing because its been around for thousands of years, body modification is the oldest tarde there is see a professional piercer, they should be able to guide u along the way
  8. piercings update, apadravya, frenum(down below), 3 bcrs in tragus, eyebrow, surface type behind ear and surface on forearm
  9. 30mm bar in my arm and 12mm bar behind my ear, an soon to get pocketing, doesn't hurt
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