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Everything posted by tryin_trials

  1. I've been messing around with trials for a while now, but only on my current Kona, which is more of an MTB/XC bike, but hey its been fun. Anyways, I'm going to get a specific trials based bike, dont have that much to spend, so thought the Phase 1.3 might be a good starter?? Seen it on tartybikes.co.uk its a 26" and costr £300 Is this a good starter or is there something better for the same sort of money?? Help would be appreciated!!!
  2. cool, my mates just brought an Onza 24", is this quite a good size to start or should I go bigger or smaller?? Is there a good starter bike that isn't too expensive as obviosly the starter bike will take a bit of a beating!!
  3. Hi Im just starting out and am looking at buying a new bike, what do you guys recommend and whats the best size?? I'm 6ft 1 tall. Thanks
  4. Im not actually running anything at the moment, the project starts in the new year but I've been looking a bits and pieces to buy and I never had a tensioner before and wondered if they are worth it.
  5. Simple post............ Chain Tensioners worth it or not??
  6. I'd like to add in I'm actually a Special Constable, so I have more power than a PCSo but I don't get paid!! But aswell as being a trials fan, I have also done the police mountain biking course, (can you believe they make you do a 3 day course on how to ride a bike!!). The bikes aren't bad, and have a fairly good spec, whenever i'm out on patrol I often go to the local spots for trials and bmx-ers and have a chat and a bit of a go. What others have said about the ones that walk around like they are in the FBI or something is true, some of them do get a real power trip from the whole thing and think they are un stoppable and in my experience they do come unstuck later along the line!! Luckily the ones I work with are all ok and have never had a problem with the local bikers.
  7. Hi My earlier thread I said I was looking at a DDR frame, I cant find out much about them though, anyone else know much about them???
  8. HI I am looking th one of these which one do you think?? |I have kind of made my mind up Both are on ebay item numbers 200056526483 & 200056075753 I like the Onza and I've heard of it before, but I kinda like the paint job on the DDG
  9. Ok, so i'm going for the build it myself route. I think. So whats the best starting frame? I've heard from some that 24" is good but what about a 20" or maybe 26" or does it really matter?? Any recommendations on a good starter frame that will take a bit of a beating but not too pricey?? Thanks for all your help so far guys, Its really helping, and makes this an awesome web site!!
  10. Hi A while ago I was on asking for your help between 2 bikes, anyways thats changed and now I'm on a whole new adventure. Shall I buy a pre built ready to go bike, if so any ones to keep an eye on?? Or........... Shall I get a frame and build round it, I know it depends on cash and what I want but from others experience which do you recommend??? Thanks,
  11. Just let them, like someone already said, they can't handle the gearing, plus all the fake gold will weigh them down so they wont be able to make a quick get away. Even if they do, you know you'll be able to find them later that nite in the local park hammered on half a bottle of white lightening cider!! I had a guy from the "travelling community" ask for ago on my bike once, I let him, he made about 4 peddle strokes, tried a wheelie and then nearly stacked it after pulling the front brake to hard on my freshly tuned HS33 Mags!!
  12. Hi trials friends as I am embarking on this great journey back into yhe world of trials, I am going to need to get some fly gear not only for my bike eventually, but also for me! Can anyone recommend any good places or sites, as their aren't too many near me. Thanks
  13. Cheers for all the info so far guys, im taking it all on board!! Just got to get the money in for the bike!!! Itching to get back out there!! Looking forward to getting the first big stack out the way!!! Woo Hoo!!! You gotta love it!!!
  14. Thanks for the feedback guys, that has helped me out alot. The Ashton bike is actually on ebay, the item number is 290057603972 The DMR is on there too, item number is 290056100905 Let me know what you think!! Si
  15. Hi there fellow trialists, I am after some advice, I use to be into trials but unfortunatly I stopped after passing my driving test, but I now want to get back into it, and will pretty much be going from scratch as I wasn't that good before!! I use to ride a DMR Sidekick. I have been having a look around for something fairly cheap to throw around so it wont matter too much when it gets damaged. Anyways.....I have found a couple I like the look of which are a DMR Trailstar, and an Ashton ET. Would anyone recommend which is a better choice or even a differant bike for a beginner. Bearing in mind I don't have to much cash to spend and these two are under £250 Any help will be appreciated!! Cheers Si
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