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trials boi 06

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Everything posted by trials boi 06

  1. what do you like or disslike about you bike and what dissapointed or supprised you about your bike when you got it be for you got it? please tell me what you think of your and your friends bikes
  2. sweet prob seen u down progress and my dad lives in rayleigh where u at?
  3. lol yer has it got pink grips...? and do you kno and 1 who is selling one???
  4. hi just a quick post to see where your best spot round southend is and what bike you ride and how many people you ride with?
  5. there is alot of rider in southend there is a big trials ride sunday 3rd december every 1 meeting at southend central station 9:30am ur welcome 2 join in
  6. hi. what do you think the best value for money or cheapest but smothest riding bike is for under £300? just a random question please reply thnx.
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