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Everything posted by Rusevelt

  1. You've got to be f**king kidding me! I better look at the website now, as I had my Merida 29er mtb stolen on NYE, and looking for winter mtb ride replacement.
  2. Off topic, Orange Bikes appointing an administrator to avoid financial troubles https://www.pinkbike.com/news/orange-bikes-intends-to-appoint-administrator.html
  3. Off topic this is just an example of what 4K upscaling can do with old 1800 footage. Kudos to the ride on that fixed geared thing. Be sure to watch in 720/60
  4. Kinda had that Andrew Dickey's Black Bike video vibe with the lines, editing, on a comp bike. Off topic, you able to do this 4K upscale that I have seen on some recent YouTube videos? Would be amazing to see some of the older videos brought back to life but I understand that this 4K upscale format is not cheap to effectively.
  5. Insane riding if you can look past the phone cam filming.
  6. Watching the edited version back, I noticed no 2nd run of Brendog. I'm guessing the run I saw on the live feed stream must have been a warm up or teaser of his competitive run because he didn't suicide the canyon as shown in the edit version, they also didn't show the unique cam footage of Gee's 60ft. The 2nd runs were different on the live feed as well as the cam angles used.
  7. Rusevelt

    Get1 & Get2

    Had no idea these 2 gems were posted a few years ago.
  8. Rusevelt


    Drone few of Las Vegas circuit ahead of pre-event https://youtu.be/sYVaCEy0wXI?si=xXElsmy0hc8LCT6X A lap under safety car. This will take time to fix.
  9. The comp bike riding was insane and flowy. Not anything that good since Andrew D's Black Bike video. The stuff on the street bike kinda ruined the amazing comp bike riding.
  10. Rusevelt


    Good watch the first couple of laps but then surprisingly boring towards the latter half of race where teams like Mercedes, their pace just dropped off a cliff.
  11. Sketchy body language. Fighting for his life to hold onto the bike with line. How on earth he manages to hold on to the bike after that huge 360 stairs drop
  12. How the camera guy keeps up is just as amazing as the line itself
  13. Everyone is probably gonna start slating that this isn't the Akrigg of old riding here.
  14. Incredible flow on an 29" MTB. Should have posted this on big bike thread, but f**k it, the riding is worthy of it being viewed here.
  15. https://news.sky.com/story/frasers-looks-to-ride-to-rescue-of-online-bike-retailer-wiggle-12994213 Already 100+job losses and already a wave of insolvency filed from the like Sigma Sports and others. So the WiggleChainRectiongate has started.
  16. Reportedly, Mike Ashley, is the front runner to try and get his greedy mitts on placing a bid to buy the business. Not that he was doing f**k all with Evans Cycles anyway. Competition watchdog would surely halt any bid from the ash cloud and his Frazer Group. "Frasers Group interested in buying Wiggle CRC, according to report | GCN" https://www.globalcyclingnetwork.com/general/news/frasers-group-interested-in-buying-wiggle-crc-according-to-report
  17. What would be the real-time trickle effect for the bike industry if Wiggle/CRC go down?
  18. https://www.itemfix.com/v?t=hmg3wr One hell of a drop gap........
  19. No he went for an even clearer 2nd run but added suicide no-hander over the canyon gap which he just cleared in his 1st run. But still dropping 3 places overall from 1st to 4th was mind blogging as well as the rider with the cleaner front flip canyon gap finished 8th after 2 runs. Sorry Darren but you guys got it wrong.
  20. You mean that 60ft vert cliff drop crash.
  21. Biggest Freeride Mountain Bike event this Friday 13th if you are not superstitious about the date in question. "Red Bull Rampage: event info and videos" https://www.redbull.com/gb-en/events/red-bull-rampage
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