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Everything posted by Rusevelt

  1. Is the community(us), and industry(them), any closer to making this a reality? or are we all just grasping at the straws of potential opportunity. it has taken over 30yrs for bmx to reach this level of international status as an olympic sport, and with the 2008 Olympics just round the corner, the sport is gonna explode even further. So what are the underlying issues preventing trials from gaining olympic status, and can we trialsters do anything as a united front to change this? Or should we just forget about it and just ride....Ps, if this mild weather continues, were gonna have one awesome spring and summer coming.
  2. Yeah, id 2nd that dude, but just as an experiemental project. i agree with everyone else that a 29in would look a bit stupid, but you can only but wonder. who knows, someone with money might just do it to turn heads at a bike trade show event. As i said before, the problem lies with the geometry, bike weght, and gear ratio (23t-16t might do it) to get that explosive power transfer from the cranks. i guess this topic is done and dusted!!
  3. If you guys had some loose cash to build a project 29in trials rig, would it have a significant advantage over a 26in? Your constructive views and comments would most appreciated. Personally, i think the extra 3ins of wheel height, would make climbing easier and maybe tapping up big stuff, if the bike weight and geometry is just right. apart from that i dont see any other advantage. Naturally the bike would look borderline weird, but that is hardly the point, or purpose of this topic. Problems in the geometry design would most likely be the wheelbase length, and gear ratio because 29in wheels travel further per revolution. What is your personal take on this guys?
  4. Well it certainly looks like a genuine project that took place. i guess we will all find out sooner or later. Cool find dude.
  5. Yeah well, its a shame about brain not riding. because for such a young promising rider, he could rip it up on urban, as well as his favored natural trials. loved his old Echo rig in mbuk. as for Matt.T on Pashley, i thought pashley were no longer producing trials bikes.
  6. The last time i heard about kurt brain, was when ashton busted his back attempting a trick that has nothing to do with trials, the backflip. and then i remember that funny story of kurt busting his hand when he was casually riding his bike with a beer can in one hand, he lost control and landed heavily on it because the idiot tried to save his beer from spilling onto the pavement (according to mbuk magazine). Kurt Brain was the first signing to ashton bikes. did kurt quit riding? And where is E and M.Tongue these days?
  7. Ryan Leech, is just a good creative rider, and lets just leave it at that.
  8. Leech not as good as Akrigg! i think you will find that leech, is equal to akrigg on bike skill, and more so with his balance lines (his railing to chain to railing line segment in The Collective vid, and his insane purpose built north shore segment in Kranked5). Akrigg has an aggressive moto-style which is awesome to witness him attack stuff at speed. lets not forget that leech rides a bike that weighs a ton in modern trials terms (i know, i picked it up when leech was at 2006 Cycle Show. 28-29lbs i reckon). all those years of riding that thing and with 49-50in sidehops under his belt, id hate to think what he could do on a competition trials rig!
  9. You must be one sad individual to take this topic so personally. So what are you gonna do if Ryan360, decided to get Adamant/A2 long. go off on a BigBrother Nicky-style tantrum and cry like a girl? and for what, just because i expressed my opinion....youve gotta be kidding me. seriously dude, you need to chill out. your not doing yourself any favours on this forum by suggesting the A2 is for gay people because of its high bb. Get a life dude, because YOUVE GOT ISSUES!
  10. My experiences for always wearing a lid, was when i accidently fell over whilst casually sitting on bike, and hit my head on the corner of a kerb. although my lid wasnt clipped in, it saved my skull from serious or fatal injury. this experience is re-enforced after watching Matt Staples, nearly smashing his skull after a failed attempt at a line which Andy Chi, took forever to nail first time. and again watching my dirt jump mate hit his head on a rock and was knocked out. Frankly i couldnt care less about those of you whom think wearing a lid/helmet is Gay. you just cant reason with ignorant riders.
  11. i dont know what the fuss is about. once upon a time, we were slating the idea of trials bikes with tiny saddles. eventually, we embraced it. then we slated the idea of a trials bike with no saddle(namely the Ashton justice frame), before we embraced that. now we are complaining about high BB. Koxx Vinco frame probably has the highest BB height, and the longest wheelbase, but it still short to ride. however the effortless control on the backwheel is second to none. high BB is awesome for UCI riding, or tech backwheel riding. just dont take a long urban
  12. That is very true, but your short-sighted trials wisdom had failed to realise that if it wasnt for the dedicated knowledgeable input of progressive pro riders like, Hans Rey, Ot Pi, and Martyn Ashton(all of whom have contributed to the dynamic changes of modern trials bike geometry), we wouldnt be riding the trial bikes we take for granted TODAY! im just stating my opinion about two different bikes(A2, Echo), though you seem to have a personal agenda which is totally irrelevant to any expressed opinion about two different bikes. for all we know, this dude may change his mind and get himself a totally different bike ie; Zoo or something that is on sale. bet you didnt consider that....
  13. Damn, this guy rides effortlessly. Very powerful rider. looks like he should be riding a 26in instead of a 20in.
  14. First impressions after viewing this clip, damn this guy rides effortless. very powerful riding.
  15. Chill out dude. i never stated that the Echo/Control was a bad ride, i simply stated that the Adamant/A2 has a more progressive ride for modern trials riding. i take it you know what progression means?
  16. The A2 is a more progressive ride than the Echo, specifically more stable on the back wheel with the high BB. the Echo looks more bling and has built in brake booster. Whats more important to you, the ride, or the looks?
  17. Yeah well bike trials magazine didnt survive more than a few years considering it was too small, too pricey, and too many pages full of product advertising, and too few on trials stuff. anyway that is past tense. If a new magazine was to re-surface in the near future, it would have to be like Document Skateboard, loads of action pics, esspecially sequence pics where you see the entire move from beginning to end. fat chance we will see anything like that anytime soon, we will just have to rely on mbuk shit profile article on the hip-hop column.
  18. Well now you know what its like when we trialsters try to reach you. esspecially when you never answer your damn phone. Where are you at these days, as i here you dont do any sunday london rides any more. Chill out dude, and give your thread time to be read by everyone.
  19. i dont about the rest of you new members, but this forum sucks when it comes down to validation. Waiting for the forum Admin to decide if, and when you qualify/promote to the main forum is a joke. why you guys cant just have everyone on the main forum and just demote members, whom use too much bad language. the odd bad spelling or sentencing here or there shouldnt be an issue. forum interaction is...Just how many bloody post messages does one have to make, before you make the grade of being validated to main members forum?
  20. Hmm, Manuals, thats another move i need to learn crossed footed(left on right pedal, right foot on left pedal)
  21. Well im applying free weights training as opposed to the gym, because you can mimic specific body movements used only on trials riding. plus you have freedom to experiment with different exercise techniques in developing more power to your trials muscles. for example, when im doing squats, or frog jumps with free weights, i position my feet/stance in my favored pedal stance position (left foot back, right foot forward pedal stance). nowadays, i increase the exercise challenge by using a pair of pedals and placing them on the floor in my favored pedal stance position, then imagine myself eyeing up a wall to sidehop whilst doing the squat movements. this usual technique, focuses the specific leg, hip, waist, and ab muscle groups to work harder and coordinate better, esspecially with the extra bar/weights on my shoulders. another method i tried was to duct tape my barbell to my bike handlebars, put a few weights on it and go out riding practicing backhops, pedalkicks, and manuals...i do this on my own at night of course. id do this for 30mins, rip the barbell/weights off, and try the same moves again. the bike and moves feel lightweight. A more convenient training tool/device i also use during private ride sessions is a POWERBREATHE (www.powerbreathe.com) or the latest POWERLUNG (www.powerlung.com). both devices strengthen your lungs to work harder during riding. feel the results within 3-5 days of use. spending £50 or £70 for a piece of plastic is a huge waste of money, but the results to your riding power within days is HUGE! Ps, Ryan Leech does power yoga. Bruce Lee used free weights to develop his speed and power to such extreme levels that he could high jump his bodyweight up 9ft, and could hold 170lb barbell weight with his arms out straight in front of his chest, elbows lock, and back straight. insane power for a small man whom weighed 165lb. imagine that power on a trials bike....
  22. Any trialsters out there working on new tricks? this is my 2007 trick wish list. Crossed footed trackstand, backhops, pedal-kick, static-spins, bunnyhop, bunnyhop tailwhip and bikeflip, cherrypicker drop-in, decade drop-in, pedalpicker drop-in, sidehop barspin, gapjump tailwhip, front-bump 180. Yeah some of this stuff is bmx influenced as i came from a bmx flatland background. i just wanna see some new tech stuff esspecially on the urban scene. Ps, im gonna upload some digi-pics of southeast london sites for the spring/summer season.
  23. Hey Chi, its Ruse. whats the story with this sunday london ride? im gonna try and call you now as i cant post on the members forum yet. stupid if you ask me....the forum that is.
  24. The riding is pretty good , but wheres your lid? i guess you will never wise up until you bang your head from a crash.
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