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Everything posted by Boswell

  1. Web applications development.
  2. There is a good chance I may decide to go to Plymouth uni so please could you post your reviews here. Thanks.
  3. I want to buy some second hand T In The Park tickets but at the moment im very confused on how to get usable tickets. The ticket master website states that names on the tickets will be checked which would obviously prevent you from using second hand tickets. There is a partner site of ticketmaster.com called getmein.co.uk which offers fan to fan tickets sales (I have checked and they are legit) which states that even though the names won't match yours the tickets will still be usable? I was thinking of going to the event and printing of some of the confirmation emails that I will inevitably get.
  4. I think google streetview has been upgraded! Its amazing I can actually date when the picture of my house was taken within a week!
  5. I think google streetview has been upgraded! Its amazing I can actually date when the picture of my house was taken within a week! http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=51.563677,0.646321&spn=0,359.998258&t=h&z=20&layer=c&cbll=51.563706,0.646108&panoid=4epPux-XeuK854G1p-ozDg&cbp=12,350.12,,0,8.6
  6. I think google streetview has been upgraded! Its amazing I can actually date when the picture of my house was taken within a week! <iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=51.563677,0.646321&amp;spn=0,359.998258&amp;t=h&amp;z=20&amp;layer=c&amp;cbll=51.563706,0.646108&amp;panoid=4epPux-XeuK854G1p-ozDg&amp;cbp=12,350.12,,0,8.6&amp;source=embed&amp;output=svembed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=51.563677,0.646321&amp;spn=0,359.998258&amp;t=h&amp;z=20&amp;layer=c&amp;cbll=51.563706,0.646108&amp;panoid=4epPux-XeuK854G1p-ozDg&amp;cbp=12,350.12,,0,8.6&amp;source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
  7. Your not 17 till December! No chance in southend!
  8. Are you retarded? Think about it!

  9. Is there a website which will find the colour of your car?
  10. I would say it is likely that your CPU fan is broke or clogged with dust.
  11. For a second I though you meant shared bedroom! f**k that!
  12. "The first Modern Warfare 2 content pack is expected to be released spring 2010, and will be exclusively available on Xbox LIVE with the PlayStation 3 receiving the same content pack 30 days later". Seriously! Why does everyone have their dicks up Microsofts arse!
  13. Was just wondering if the FBI would actually pay you a visit if you kept Google searching "I want to bomb America" etc, would it happen? Rather interesting don't you think?
  14. Anyone know of a free program that will capture video that you are accessing over the web via streaming?
  15. Got pulled over at work for speeding and the cop decided to ignore the fact I had a bald tyre, tinted windows and a headlight out and just gave me some nice words of advice! What are your experiences of getting pulled?
  16. You are f*cked! The DVD drive is gone and Microsoft encode all there hardware so you can't just put a new one in without expert knowledge.
  17. I just need to know the exact type of black so I can buy some cans of spray paint.
  18. How do I find out the exact color for my vauxhall Corsa SXI (2003, black)?
  19. Been offered a place to do Web Application Development at Plymouth and am now wondering whats it like? Please post your reviews here.
  20. Boswell

    So Right...

  21. Boswell


    I deliver pizza (in a car) and its scary shit!
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