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tipsy Jock

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Everything posted by tipsy Jock

  1. Gd plan i'm gonna try an almost identical one 1. do cwrk (Is in the form of lots of essays for me (Y) 2. oli's note idea 3. get out riding in't mornings so i'm awake for the day and getting trials out of my system lol 4. change homepage from t-f and stay off here for a week, yell at me if you see me people!! Pete
  2. Well at 70 you have more time for you to react than say 90, though i do 80/90 traffic allowing lol pete
  3. Despite that you still have to have some common sense about you, For example in a school area i try to stay to the limit or slower, but give me an open road, dual carriageway or link road and i'm gone lol Well as gone as a 1.4 polo lets you (N) Pete
  4. Country backroad meaning the odd blind corner and narrowish? Even with a few houses on it theres still a possibility of kids around. The road to my house at home is through a field where it comes off the link road yet its a 30. My friend got knocked off his bike while riding across it, with a higher limit he would have been lucky to get away with a broken arm. As it is the car owner is claiming from his house insurance to reclaim his losses lol But still bad luck man lol Gd luck with the granny driving :D Pete
  5. tipsy Jock

    You Like?

    Whoops lol Am so used to the flag jokes here, with me being a Scotsman that lives in England and goes to uni in Wales and all lol
  6. tipsy Jock

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    None indeed!! I'm scottish but have lived in england and Australia for the last 16 years of my life lol, totaly confuses my housemates but i' proud of my scottshness! lol and crapness at rugby :P Pete edit: the cable is fine is bar spinable is just the pic and the bunnyhop, manuel matter, is a 90mm stem with zoo risers, trying to bunnyhop up a kerb equals rear wheel leaving ground then front touching down very shortly after!! lol t'is not gd!! Pete
  7. I thought that said lesson, was looking forward to a shiny new bike pic thread :unsure: Ah well, i shall live on somehow Pete
  8. ooooo nicely done, My old club used to attract all sorts of pros, was only club level but the guy that ran knew like most of the nationals circuit lol Meant for some frantic racing :o I used to race my xxx til i bored of it, Don't suppose any you guys would want to take it off my hands? Is dying to be raced again (N) Pete
  9. Oh yeah, I was just about to say it is a BT cause he's sponsered by select bikes but i looked closer and it is still an onza lol Pete
  10. tipsy Jock

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    as well as my rear hub and kind of my maggie lever >_<" I thought the green went quite well with the blue lol ah well each to their own Pete
  11. Damnit I would have but just got back to uni today >_< d'oh! lol Whats Aylesbury like for spots? Pete
  12. tipsy Jock

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    Stem is much lower now (Y) whats wrong with my luvely blue burns? >_< Pete
  13. tipsy Jock

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    Bunnyhop = nightmare! lol Trying to Learn to manuel on a 1060 frame probably wasn't my greatest idea to date either lol And well done tom, ;) Though the accent is kinda deceptive (N) The spacers have mostly gone now, took me a while to get used to the low front end compared to the monty. Oh and the stickers would be great but i have no money (Y) Pete
  14. oooo TC3 they rocked in their day :D I used to race Losi buggys but kinda lost interest as i got more in to my bike :P Shame spent a fortune on that damn thing lol Pete
  15. Theres a better quality and more footage version for the suscribers over on the dark side :D Pete
  16. He can break Saracen forks too can't you Rossi :D I'd love to see how you and the coustellier carbon forks would get on lol Knifens or p2's for you next methinks :) Pete
  17. tipsy Jock

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    Yo dudes what dya think? Is a few months old now and i've finally been bothered/ learnt how to upload a pic sorry about the state of the room but the pics shortly after i finished building it lol Pete
  18. Erm the livestrong one's are Nike aren't they? lol Pete
  19. tipsy Jock


    i tried that but it deleted them for some reason :P anyways fixed it now :D d/led stylexp and loads of stuff from crystalxp.net and from themexp.org and i'm now up one groovy style :D Pete
  20. tipsy Jock


    Yo dudes, Need some help, was playing around with themes and crystalxp trying to make my laptop look cooler. Although some how i've managed to delete the standard xp window styles :) it's left me with just the windows classic one which looks a little stupid with crystalised icons! lol Help much appreciated Pete edit to make more sense :)" Just remembered another problem, I tried d/ling style sets and all seemed to work ok but whenever i clicked apply it would revert back to the classic style :) Any clues? thanks again
  21. I love the validation system :) pete
  22. You have to be kidding, surely :) or measured with the trials forum tape measure :angry: Pete edit: 3 replies within a minute, tragic really :angry:"
  23. Yeah please do tell :angry: Pete
  24. Well its steel like the leesons so it should be ok. Pete
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