I know i know lol it could be a nice looking corsa though :P
My plans for a first car involve either a proper mini cooper or something slightly sporty. my mums 1.4 polo for example has tonnes of poke for what it is. though that corsa is not only a 1.0l but also only has 3 cylinders lol is going to have to be a mini methinks (Y)
Me likey, My dad has an 03 plate A4 quattro, is a beast! Can leave most things standing in any gear :sick: He's letting me borrow it more and more at the mo lol all good. Back to the polo otherwise (Y)
Funny, thought beer goggles were to blame there lol
Oh and Tom, whack me a pm with your address and i'll send the cheque for me t shirt ^_^ kinda forgot lol
Starting my 3rd year in Sept :- Eek need to pull my finger out and get that 2:1 somehow lol. Hopefully this freshers will be even better than my 2nd year one which was totaly crazy!! is going to be hard to beat Second year rules :mellow:
What dya reckon in inchs ali? Phil's msn at the mo is tapped 59" (about5 ft i think) lol reckon it was higher than that? whatever it was its crazy i can barely tap half that :turned:
whoa mines 24lbs, never realised it was that light! its not like i've gone out of the way or anything. maxxis rear tyre and tube, moto front. un52 bb, kool chain, ss singlespeed stuff. lol Ah well can't complain :turned:
Hmmm thats going to take a while lol, T'is a good thing i have nothing to do until someone wants to employ me :wub: The bit that has me confused at the mo is starting the spin.