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tipsy Jock

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Everything posted by tipsy Jock

  1. Poo, i really liked them lol I was going to get a set of 04 Psylo SL's for £200 but i got beaten to it I'll have to have a bit of a re think
  2. Hmmm, I think i can put up with them being a bit flexy, surely if i wind the travel down that will minimise it? I guess the compromise is either heavy and stiff or light and flexy?
  3. tipsy Jock

    Sus Forks

    Sooooo, I'm thinking about ordering these beasts, Clicky They're gonna be used mostly for general riding about, a little bit of street, some freeridy stuff, a bit of park riding and the odd jump. Do you guys reckon they will cope? Bear in mind that i'm no good at any of the above. I really don't want anything like Dirt jumpers etc as they are tre heavy, the guys i ride with seem to be getting on ok with psylo's but alas they are no more. Thanks!
  4. tipsy Jock

    Go Karting

    Its all about clipping apexs and slow in fast out. Theres no point hammering it into a corner and skidding cause that will scrub all your speed off by the time you exit the corner.
  5. Thats not old school i can see Tensile cranks
  6. You know its taken me about 5 minutes to figure out that link haha, some great pics once i finally found them
  7. I've always had a soft spot for Corrados ever since my dad looked at them years ago, god knows why he bought a rover coupe instead
  8. If its a MK3 i'm pretty sure it will be 0 rise, The older Ashtons are still lovely to ride though, feel quite short though i think Pete
  9. Wicked pics there Craig, some sweet moves going on too I haven't seen a blue sky like that in ages! You guys need to rock on down here for a spot of riding Pete
  10. Is the latest one not the mk5? not sure on that. The silver ones were all pretty much the same i think, only difference being that each new mk was stronger, better built and probably had a few slight geometry tweaks. I wouldn't touch a mk 1 or 2 as i've heard a few horror stories about the strength and quality. Oh and in terms of old vs new the main differences are that the new frames have the +20 bb rise and 1055-65 wb, where as the old ones were 0 bb and much shorter i think. hope thats of some use
  11. 16 i think, do they not all have the same freehub in them? Don't bother with Shimano, go for a Hope hub Pete
  12. Tell me about, can you imagine trying to learn that?
  13. The problem Tom is that you have to consider that no one is going to go out of their way to try and be greener when it does seem to be very much a pointless exersize when compared to the effect that other rapidly developing nations (and one developed nation, any guesses...) are having. You can consider that as being ignorant and selfish but personally i think its more realistic than anything else. I'm pretty sure that everyone on this forum does there bit in some way, be it putting their rubbish in a bin, household recycling, leaving the car at home etc. We're not going out and deliberatly destroying the planet. The example of driving to comps etc is a good example of that. How are people supposed to get to the middle of the Yorkshire dales without using their car, to try and make that journey for me would involve trains, buses and probably a fair bit of walking. By the time i got there i'd be knackered. The point of how small the trials community actually is in comparison to most other sports is also a very good one. Lastly, I think most of the parts on my bike are anodised or have travelled from Taiwan yet i wanted those parts, i don't want a steel frame or silver parts on my bike. You've got to also consider that people are making a living from selling these parts, surely thats an important consideration too? I hope that makes some sense but i've been watching the Rugby while typing so i was a wee bit distracted Pete
  14. I'm gonna mix it up a bit, what if all the changes in the environment are natural and merely accelerated slightly by human meddling? Bear in mind things like the ice age etc
  15. Did you know that shipping is the most eco friendly form of transport, admittedly if the frames were built in the UK there would be no need for it. To be honest my opinion is just like Anzo's i'm not going to stop doing the things i love because of the potential damage to the environment. I try to do my bit here and there by turning off lights and appliances, we recycle at home and so does my Office etc. I admit that sounds selfish but its not as if my hobbies are ilegal waste dumping and fox hunting now is it? Pete Edit: Mods does have a fair point, until the likes of America and India start sorting out there emissions then it does make UK efforts seem futile (thats not a reason to bury our heads in the sand though or say "not my problem"
  16. Lexus style lights only really work on cars that were designed with them and a very few others as aftermarket mods. On a corsa they will look shite, just fix up the sound system and save your money for a decent car, its what i'm doing.
  17. I'd upgrade the factory fit speakers before you even start on 6x9's and amps, although i'd argue that 6x9's aren't really necessary anyway. (thats my opinion before the riot starts ) Clicky I bought this head unit and think its ace, also if you have an ipod you can spend a bit and get the connector so that you can select tracks etc from the head.
  18. Damn Ali, nice work Mine would have to be that first pedal hop, took bloody long enough! Pete
  19. I've never riden London and really should as its so close, Probably wouldn't be able to make it weekly but i'd pop in when i can
  20. If your bike has geometry that is actually in this century add 50 points. If your bike has no seat but is still a fully functional trials bike add 100 points. If your frame is Alu and has lots of sexy CNCing add 100 points. If both your brakes actually work add 100 points. 350 pour moi
  21. Internal hose guides eh? Do they not remember what happened to the Vincos...
  22. Right, think i'm gonna trek on up, i do love Brum! The guys from Wales can't make it so its just gonna be lil me! I met a few of you guys last time so i'll just tag along if thats ok, you still coming down Bigman? Pete
  23. You don't want to ride with Tunii, you will want to quit right there and then
  24. The guy was stupid enough to not only film his little excursion in Bam's Lambo but also to not stop it ending up on youtube
  25. My housemate knows where in his house he was concieved, ewwww indeed
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