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Everything posted by sidehop

  1. fatty, Whap it out if she says no, Say you were joking... Then try again
  2. Approch the glory hole and bam... Its nae awake... Boiiing knows whats happning haha. ... Or Good luck lad.
  3. Nah its safe... Well it was last night. You love sitting and clicking... and eating from oversized bowls... haha There is some pics and vids man... But you have to wait till scottish muckers 3 Mwahahaha Add me on msn.. Its in profile.
  4. GET AWAY ADAM!! Thats my chinese sitting there i think... Near the sink? Thanks again for putting us up.. Mazin weekend.. Must be done again soon. P.s Bet your sitting clicking and re-freshing again! How was comp? and yeah we ripped up morecambe.. Scotland stylieee!!
  5. I love it... my 3rd comment on this bike but it is really just soooooo nice...
  6. He tried to stop him What a fag.. Send it too them?
  7. Claim! Its all you can do... Aslong as you have pictures before it was sent and you got any pics of it snapped...? Im interested
  8. Come on lads... I need to order new tyres wonder if they will make it
  9. Loves it, Was 'mazzin Also really liking your bike man.
  10. sidehop

    Tomm's New Video

    HAH, Hahahahaha.... Owned fool. ( In a jokey lovey way,)
  11. The song at the end off lee evans 2005 xl tour now- men at work. i come from a land down under
  12. sidehop

    Tomm's New Video

    Smoooth... Been a few good ones about today But i did like the song :$
  13. Think its an onza rim? And mmm, inspired.
  14. Very good.. I am really liking this... After i say we get a new thred with videos ONLY, With our descriptions,... then we all vote?
  15. Was schweeeeeeeeet Really liked it man
  16. Take it we all have to allocate ourselfs a move? be better that way yeah? If so ill take sidehops... Go some good ideas going here.
  17. If your under 13 i think you are allowed.... I got busted other night.
  18. Looks Dam nice that does... Stock ***... Also i got some echo crank bolts kicking around i am sure.. Pm, addy
  19. Just be nice really... Or if there a dick.. I be a dick right back. And my mate earned £22 by hopping across to pillars... £20 note and £2 to weight it down from the guys window
  20. Slag you are Duff! Any other lads fancy the trip north? And for Invernessians its South...
  21. sidehop


    Do what i said... Give him a second chance!
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