Hey all, I am new to trials-forum, but i have been watching what goes on for a good few weeks now just so i could get the basic idea of how things work. I have made myself very aware of the guidelines. I know all about the validation system which is a very good idea as i searched a few topics on why its there and found out that it is a very useful way of stopping those time wasters out there. My bike is a zona zip frame with a nice set-up in my eyes it has a profile cassette on rear, hope mono on front, tensile cranks, zoo bar and stem, and i run double magura for now but i have a avid bb7 cable disc to put on once i get my new wheel for the front. I have been riding for about a year and a half now and am doing fairly well and i am in the process of making a new video. I hope it turns out how i hope it does but i am using 'windows movie maker' for now as i am getting a new computer soon and with it some better editing software but until then i must battle on with movie maker. Well i think thats all i have to say... Thanks. Sidehop. p.s How do you report a topic, as i wanted to report one on new mebers chat but i dont know how??