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Everything posted by sidehop

  1. Tis a sony erricson w810i am on orange and its gayy
  2. Ben you gave that gap no effort
  3. Has anybody ever done it...... Phone Unlock Thats one site i could use. 2nd unlock Or that. PLease help
  4. Why would he want to take the bash of it if hes making money on them..... Maybe it will come in 9 difo colours OR maybe he want to put the bb down like he did on the adamant stocks.... There is so much he could do. I doubt he would discontinue the whole lot to take a bash off, Just make newer ones without them. ( Sounds sorta same thing as discontinue but you know what i mean) Chizz xx
  5. Has to be the nicest bike ever...... And you are getting better on it with you taps the height of my shoulders
  6. watched it all, That guy is sick as fook! As for music - I thought it went to the video as he hasnt just banged it onto and wala... Chizz xx
  7. Set me up for a good day of riding, I member all your videos.... love them all. Shit hot riding going down. Keep it up Chizz xx
  8. I dunno what it is about it but i love it. Almost feals like i want to take it to the jumps and just use it as a jump bike........ oooo its lush. Chizz
  9. Dam right ben, Going out getting all your secret moves on film That gap is getting owned come wedensday Ben, You knows it has to be done. And yeah Towler you swapped for a dark grey one ona silver helmet were the fun in that!! Me and Ben could have been in an irn-bru advert with ours - Love you really towlie Sorry Dean, Ill get some next time just for you. Chizz xx
  10. Lol, Its Ben's Hes got orange
  11. Cheers G, Some nice phots. Overall was a nice little ride. Apart from that gap to 90 killed me about 10 times, Mauled elbow,both legs and ribs Was lusssh! Chizz xx
  12. ^^ Lol, Erm.... When you sneeze your heart stops for a millesecond. Hmmm so many heart facts from me
  13. Guy smacked me for bike in town.... Mate got headbuted for bike in town.... Town is starting to sound rough
  14. I run that exact hub on an adamant a3, Had to space it out abit. Overall its perfect now. So answer is, Yes.
  15. Aparantly, Your heart stops during your mothers contractions on the birth period.
  16. Maybe a tempary mesure then?? Till he gets the lever with hugeeee pison built
  17. GU GU GU GU GU, Or maybe a czar there minttt
  18. GU 06 short!... Nicest stock ever. Mate has one i love it and i am a mod rider
  19. Luke, Have you ever thought of running a single lever with a hose splitter at the top / few cm's from lever. And running two brakes off of it? If you get me.... lever...hose...spliter...hose to front brake _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hose to back brake Chizz xx
  20. He's fcuking amazing boys. And to be honest he kicks alot of folk on here's ass. Done that man, Another clips/video out from him would be awsome Chizz xx
  21. Get Adam @ Tartybikes to do it.... Best bet and if theres a seal or sommit fcuked he will no doubt be able to get it working again. Cost's like a £10 or somthing its not much compared to the price of you'r dengura....
  22. Cheers Dean, Catch you on msn some time dude.
  23. Looks lush as foook man! I want one
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