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Everything posted by sidehop

  1. i hate those forks with a passion ross... Get new ones See you inverness bashers soon
  2. YASSS... Was waiting for this... Guys awsome!! Really opens my eyes.. done that man!
  3. Billocks... Ko?? And where have you been I've missed you.
  4. Ross you actual leg-end... That was sooo funny
  5. Took Ages To Find This Wa La..
  6. Wait a mo... If he's not on OTN and dosnt use OTN how the fook could he copy the topic? Sorry but i just dont get it
  7. He's got a disc on pythong.... Anyway duf... Ride it well
  8. Defo suits his mod better... Nice video overall... Danny get yours out the still you sent on msn I wanna see
  9. I was right..... I was right all along and iwas backed up by other mebers
  10. sidehop

    My Bike

    I love rim ... brakes. Got a vee for it ont front now
  11. sidehop

    My Bike

    ^^ There on order....
  12. Bit of Kn*b arn't you. He has only rote somthing about himself... Its not to get validated in 30 seconds its to say who he is! He is a really good guy... So i think you should maybe just give him a break lad.
  13. sidehop


    As long as they are working Ben it will be reet.
  14. sidehop


    ... that was the plan
  15. sidehop

    My Bike

    Adamant A3... Enjoy...
  16. Internet is a magnificant thing my boys... But yeah his typing is better than mine at time's
  17. Here is the picture people... This man is a very good guy so hope you all get on with him as well as i do.
  18. I really amn't. Sorry havent been having best day ever... I don't fight... Atall.
  19. ^^ Seconded... Put him through half as much pain your in right now... My apoliges and a for you fine sir. EDIT: I'm not a violent wa*ker btw
  20. Our guy said, Small sparks in the phone could egnite the fumes and baaa boooom! Its more old phones though btw.
  21. I just got it... Had to go and perzonalise the desktop to do it.
  22. Ok by accident i deleted my recycle bin off my desktop... now i cant get it back Sombody tell me how to please BTW I AM ON WINDOWS VISTA
  23. ^^ hahahahahahaha........ Onwed by Ash!!
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