If you buy an 07 t-pro you will get it with vee brakes. If you wish you can change the rear, As for the front just buy some good pads for it and it will be mazin. To fit a rear maggie, on a t-pro 07 model. Simply remove the grip from bar. Remove lever from bar, (There will most likly me a small nut on the back) Remove the cable from frame. Mite be frame clips these just pull off, BUT keep them. The vee will have adaptors in the back. Remove the vee arms with the bolt at the bottom of them and pull them off. Take the adaptors off. Should be 2 bolts on each. Provided you have bought a magura, You should have bolts and clamps. Simply set up the callipers on the back using the mounts, Its not too hard and if you are stuck see the wee book that comes with your magura. Then put the cable back up the frame using those frame clips. Put the lever onto the bar, Again the nut on the back is used. slide the grip back on and wa la. You have a working maggie on back. Also i advise you buy some nice pads for the back. Hope thats a help to you sir.